Why a PhD fast-track can be a bad idea — University Affairs (2024)

The Black Hole

Earning a doctorate earlier may sound attractive, but there’s value in completing a master’s degree first.


This is a guest post fromHongyu Zhang. Mr. Zhang is a doctoral candidate in the department of geography at McGill University. He holds an MSc in geography from Western University and a BES in geomatics from the University of Waterloo. Before joining the Platial Analysis Lab, he was an engineering support specialist at Geotab. His research interests are behavioural geography, GIS, and privacy.

Fast-tracking (direct admission to a PhD program from an undergraduate degree or transferring from a master’s degree) is becoming more and more popular. On paper, it sounds attractive to earn a PhD degree earlier in life; however, only those on the inside understand the challenges associated with completing a PhD program and only those who have made it to the other side appreciate what it really means for career progression. For those considering applying to a graduate program earlier in their academic career, I’d like to offer some thoughts based on my and other colleagues’ experiences on why it’s important to be cautious when choosing a fast-tracking option.

A PhD program is a long journey

Uncertainty is part of thesis research and this can be a fascinating or disappointing aspect depending on one’s perspective –it’s important to remember research takes time and there will definitely be challenges, which may prolong the process or even kill the chance of getting desired results. Without taking this level of commitment into consideration, some students may struggle and consider withdrawing from a fast-track doctoral program. Sometimes, “back-tracking” (transferring registration into the same program for a master’s degree) is possible, and often the best option. However, as students typically do not (or are often not encouraged to) give up easily, the choice to back-track often results in feelings of failure and more time spent than would have been the case by choosing a straight-up master’s degree from the outset.

Missing the opportunity to explore other fields

While some graduate programs have strict prerequisites, others (e.g., geography) do not and are open to students from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, undertaking a master’s program before committing to a PhD provides students with a chance to explore a different field of research. Remember that a PhD is a very specialized degree and should be in an area you are planning to spend a lot of time thinking about. The number of researchers who are probing similar investigations can often be counted on two hands. Given that many students contemplating a fast-tracked PhD are in their early 20s and have just finished an undergraduate degree, with little to no practical insight into graduate school, it might just be a little early to find the right research niche. Exploring a broader discipline can often help with making a more informed choice.

A PhD does not guarantee a higher income

There are many well-paying jobs out in the world that do not require a PhD. It should also be noted that many PhDs are poorly paid and have insecure jobs (e.g., sessional lecturers). Although it has been discussed previously (seeDave’s columnback in 2010), the primary goal of a PhD program is training future professors and research stars. What has not been baked into many PhD programs is the education for and exposure to non-academic career choices. A career centre on campus is auxiliary and only provides limited resources, often with nothing tailored to people in specialized fields. It is clear that a makeover of PhD programs is required, but it is difficult for professors who only have academic experience to promote this change. Therefore, under the current setup, the majority of PhD students will experience limited exposure to their future career options during their residency.

There are many reasons to be wary of a fast-track PhD, with a stand-alone master’s being an attractive alternative. However, for the type of person with a very clear career goal (and one that requires a PhD degree) who knows what they want to do in the next 10 years, the fast-track option may save some time – I just worry that it is becoming the preferred route for everyone and see this restrictive choice as a regressive step. If you are a student still early in your undergraduate program and you want to be proactive, consider participating in a thesis course or becoming a research assistant to get first-hand experience.


Why a PhD fast-track can be a bad idea — University Affairs (1)

Dr. David Kent is a principal investigator at the York Biomedical Research Institute at the University of York, York, UK. He trained at Western University and the University of British Columbia before spending 10 years at the University of Cambridge, UK where he ran his research group until 2019. His laboratory's research focuses on the fundamental biology of blood stem cells and how changes in their regulation lead to cancers. David has a long history of public engagement and outreach including the creation of The Black Hole in 2009.


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  1. David / October 12, 2022 at 15:05

    As someone who only holds a PhD, and from outside of North America with a successful 30+ year career as a researcher and university professor in both Canada and the US and also in other countries, I think the writer is expressing very much the North American perspective of the Masters to PhD pathway. And that’s fair enough. Most of the readership of UA is in Canada and went through either the Canadian graduate school experience or the US system, both of which emphasize the Masters to PhD pathway as typical.

    I had my PhD at age 27 with a ‘gap year’ between my 4-year bachelors and starting my PhD. I changed project and supervisor in the 1st year of my PhD but still finished and defended my PhD in just under 5 years. I was typical of my peers, but then I was at an Australian university which followed (then at least) the UK model of the Masters being seen as an alternative to the PhD, not as a steppingstone to it. At no stage whether in the US or Canada or Europe or elsewhere has my ‘fast track PhD’ had any negative connotations either in my capacity to do the job or in acceptance of my qualifications beyond ‘curiosity’ by my Canadian colleagues “Oh, you don’t have a Masters then?”

    However, talking to my North American peers, many commented on the long delay to getting professional positions ’til their mid to late 30s or older caused by the Masters then PhD pathway, and how this affected life-time earnings. As both a US and Canadian professor colleague said to me on getting their first full-time position “Finally, in my early 40s I can live like an adult and not like a graduate student”.


  2. Patrick McGrath / October 12, 2022 at 15:58

    There are advantages and disadvantages of both options. David Kent has outlined the disadvantages of a PhD fast track. The advantages are many. I did the traditional Master’s-PhD in clinical psychology and then led, as the first director, a fast-track PhD clinical psychology program. Fast-track is a misnomer. It is faster than a Masters-PhD but by no means fast. Canadian PhD’s are overly long by any standard. Fast track PhDs can improve progress through the academy, reduce long term debt and encourage students to get on with their lives. Don’t forget, most will do additional training in a postdoc or two after the PhD.

    Let’s look at ways of improving the experience of our PhD students. Shortening their programs is one way of doing that.


    • David Kent / October 13, 2022 at 03:59

      Hi Patrick – thanks for your comment. Just one quick point of clarification, this is a guest post from Hongyu Zhang – a PhD student currently in the trenches.

      Definitely hear what you are saying re: improving the PhD experience though – there is so much good work that we can do without much added cost/pain.


  3. Karl Pfeifer / October 12, 2022 at 18:09

    I always recommended the “MA first” option for students in my discipline of philosophy. I promoted it as an opportunity to acquire credible competence in two distinctly different areas of philosophy, which would serve the student well when applying for academic positions after the PhD and ability to claim teaching competence in several areas becomes an important factor. This is reflected in the American practice of specifying both an area of specialization (AOS) and an area of secondary competence (AOC) in job advertisem*nts. I also suggested the “MA first” option as a dry run for a PhD program, in which the student could determine whether he/she was suited to graduate study in the field and could also acquire a modus operandi that would enable them to hit the ground running later when embarking on a PhD studies.


  4. Dr Khadry A Galil / October 12, 2022 at 18:18

    Fast-tracking is an excellent idea, I have been fast-tracked to my Ph.D. and I fast-tracked my students when I became a faculty, so I have an experience in that area. I have observed excellent students who would make fantastic Ph.D. students refusing to go to a Ph.D. In my area at Western university, we found that many master’s degree students do not want to pursue a Ph.D. for one reason, or another like for example they want to go to dentistry or medicine and so on… and others want to earn money.
    Fast Tracking has a big advantage in that the student is now really committed to his research and his Ph.D., also many times what you study in your master’s degree is usually different than what you study in your Ph.D. (only those who are lucky continue research in their master degree topic so why not go for a Ph.D. and study the topic thoroughly and become an expert.
    . We also know that those with Ph.D. have a better chance of getting a job than a master’s degree.
    when I was fast-tracked, I respected my supervisor, and he had confidence in me, and I made sure not to disappoint him by working day and night and sleeping in my lab to get that Ph.D. it was my greatest motivator
    I do remember when I was a senator at the university the president of the university encouraged all faculties to focus on getting more Ph.D. students, this was supported by a memo from the dean of graduate studies at the time. I will not get into the debate that Ph.D. gives the supervisor and the university more prestige and enhances the supervisor’s curriculum Vitae and his promotion and tenure career, which is a different debate.

    Dr.K.A.Galil.Professor of Medicine and Professor of Dentistry (active emeritus)
    DDS.,D.Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
    ,PH.D,fa*gD.,FADI.,Cert.Periodontist(Uof Michigan) (Royal College Dent Surg.Ont)
    Departments of Periodontics,Orthodontics and Clinical Anatomy
    Schulich School Of Medicine and Dentistry.
    University of Western Ontario, London,Ontario.


  5. Sarah S / October 14, 2022 at 09:10

    This is excellent advice for undergraduate students considering graduate school. If the student in question is interested in a career for which holding a Ph.D. is a minimum requirement, then the fast-tracking option may be beneficial. However, the perception that holding a Ph.D. is beneficial in all cases is incorrect and may produce unrealistic salary or job prospect expectations for students. The negatives or benefits of holding a Ph.D. will vary by discipline and industry, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Hongyu’s statement that many programs fail to expose students to non-academic career options is accurate, and I wholeheartedly agree that “it is clear that a makeover of PhD programs is required, but it is difficult for professors who only have academic experience to promote this change”. Thank you for sharing your perspective, Hongyu. It was quite refreshing.


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Why a PhD fast-track can be a bad idea — University Affairs (2024)


Why a PhD fast-track can be a bad idea — University Affairs? ›

Missing the opportunity to explore other fields

Can you fast track your PhD? ›

A: Yes, accelerated online doctorates are valuable programs. You will be getting some non-traditional training and professional development simply because you're in a fast-track program.

What is the failure rate of PhD students? ›

The percentage of students who don't complete their PhD varies hugely; some institutions report as high as 71% and some as low as 9%. The PhD non-completion rate depends on many factors, such as the subject or department you are studying in, your age and whether you have a good mentor.

Does having a PhD make you less employable? ›

The idea that getting a PhD is going to hurt your chances of getting an industry job is a misconception. In fact, most PhDs go on to get jobs in industry and most get paid more than non-PhDs in the same position. The only way a PhD will hold you back from getting an industry job is if you use it as an excuse.

What is the hardest thing about a PhD? ›

What's Actually Hard About a PhD
  • #1 Maintaining motivation. Every PhD student will agree that the hardest part of the degree is maintaining motivation. ...
  • #2 Writing (a lot) Usually it's during the writing-up period that people's motivation starts to dwindle. ...
  • #3 Receiving criticism. ...
  • #4 Isolation. ...
  • #5 Knowing what to do next.
Feb 16, 2023

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10 Easiest Ph. D. Degrees
  • Ph. D. in Theology. ...
  • Ph. D. in Business Administration. ...
  • Ph. D. in Psychology. ...
  • Ph. D. in Literature. ...
  • Ph. D. in Criminal Justice. ...
  • Ph. D. in Public Policy. ...
  • Ph. D. in History. History offers you an array of study opportunities, including social, cultural, or intellectual history. ...
  • Ph. D. in Sociology. A Ph.

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One-Year Online Doctoral Programs
  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision. ...
  2. Doctorate in Behavioral Health. ...
  3. Doctor of Nursing Practice. ...
  4. Doctor of Occupational Therapy. ...
  5. Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy. ...
  6. Doctorate Ethereal Degree in Grief Counseling.

How many people start a PhD but don t finish? ›

Getting a doctorate could be one of your biggest life achievements—provided you can make it to the finish line. Drop out rates vary by discipline, but as many as 50 percent of students don't complete their doctorate.

What percentage of PhDs quit? ›

Astonishingly, the completion rate ten years after students begin their doctoral program remains low at 56.6%. What does this mean? Well, first it means that after years graduate study, and thousands of dollars spent working towards your doctoral degree, 43.4% of students will not complete their program.

Are PhDs declining? ›

The number reflects a big rebound from academic year 2021, when – during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic – 52,194 research doctorates were awarded, a 5.5% decrease from the previous year.

Are PhDs worth it anymore? ›

In most cases, completing a PhD program is enough for others in your field to consider you an expert. Pursuing and completing a PhD shows all future employers you know your industry and you have the fortitude to work hard.

Why are PhDs not paid well? ›

The reason why is tuition: PhD students don't pay their own tuition, but that tuition still exists, and is paid by the professors who hire those students out of their grants. A PhD salary plus a PhD tuition ended up roughly equal to a postdoc salary.

Is there an oversupply of PhDs? ›

An article from The Princetonian noted that there is a giant, nation-wide oversupply of PhDs amid a shrinking number of professorial job openings. This is particularly evident in the humanities, where the lack of openings is becoming increasingly prevalent.

What are the cons of doing a PhD? ›

Increased stress levels and mental health issues are common among Ph. D. students due to the demanding nature of the program. Financial strain is another concern, as many students accumulate significant student loan debt or experience reduced income during their studies.

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However, generally speaking, many find PhDs harder due to the time and effort required in addition to the research focus in place of the emphasis on coursework. The prospect of undertaking a three to four-year commitment (or six to seven years if you are studying part-time) can also take its toll on doctoral students.

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It depends: if by the 3rd year you have a viable idea, then the 1st year of Phd is the hardest. If no workable idea by the 3rd year, then 4th year is the hardest.

How quickly can I do my PhD? ›

A PhD program typically takes four to seven years, but a variety of factors can impact that timeline. A PhD, or doctorate degree, is the highest degree you can earn in certain disciplines, such as psychology, engineering, education, and mathematics.

How fast can one complete a PhD? ›

The number of years you spend on your doctorate depends partly on your intended course of study. Many PhD programs are designed to take just three to five years. And PhD programs are not the only road to a doctoral degree. You could also choose to earn a professional doctorate.

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Shortest Ph. D. Programs Online and On-campus
  • Hampton University - Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, online Ph.D., 60 credit hours.
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Safety Sciences, online Ph.D., 54 credit hours.
  • East Carolina University - Doctor of Nursing Practice, hybrid online DNP.

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A doctorate, or Ph. D., in history generally takes between five to seven years to finish. It is the highest degree that you can earn in the field. To graduate with a Ph.

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