Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (2024)

Enjoy reading and share 100 famous quotes about Bakery with everyone.

I'd love to own a bakery at some point. My grandmother could help me run it - she is an amazing baker! I'd also love to do a cookbook. — Jordin Sparks

That's why I named my bakery Flour. It's a reminder that in baking, as in life, simple things are best. — Joanne Chang

On my honor, I ain't ever tasting another woman's sexual
favors. Even if the bakery offers 'em up in a cupcake wrapper and
calls 'em whipped dreams. — Jamie Farrell

Cooking involves a deadline and hungry people and ingredients that expire in a week. It's stressful. Cooking happens on the stove and on the clock. Baking happens with ingredients that last for months and come to life inside a warm oven. Baking at Zomick's Bakery is slow and leisurely. — Zomick's Bakery

Was that the girl who went to Manhattan with you?" Asked Marcus. "I think we owe her a cookie" "I think we owe her a whole damn bakery" said Xochi. "If I wasn't hip deep on the mud, I would kiss her on the mouth — Dan Wells

Like many of his fellow skyjackers, 49-year-old Arthur Gates Barkley was motivated by a complicated grievance against the federal government. In 1963, the World War II veteran had been fired as a truck driver for a bakery, after one of his supervisors accused him of harassment. — Brendan I. Koerner

Well, I have a lot of appetites and try to revel in almost everything, so inspiration can even come from a well-appointed submarine sandwich, you know? Potentially in the form of The Godmother from Santa Monica's Bay Cities [Italian Deli &] Bakery. But for a primal "Wow, every sense is on fire!" moment, it would have to be live music. — Patrick Fabian

A stew of potatoes, kidney beans, and chopped greens and onions simmered atop the small cast-iron range. The appetizing scent filled the cottage and drifted out the open windows. Remembering the many times she had made the dish for her father, Victoria smiled wistfully. Her father had never been a great lover of food, regarding it solely as a necessity for the body rather than something to be enjoyed. On the rare occasions when Victoria had made plum pudding, or brought currant buns from the bakery, he had nibbled at the treats and quickly lost interest. The only times she had ever seen him eat heartily, and with obvious enjoyment, was when she had made vegetable stew. — Lisa Kleypas

He was asking too many questions and he was asking them too quickly. They were stacking up in my head like loaves in the factory where Uncle Terry works. The factory is a bakery and he operates the slicing machines. And sometimes a slicer is not working fast enough but the bread keeps coming and there is a blockage. I sometimes think of my mind as a machine, but not always as a bread-slicing machine. It makes it easier to explain to other people what is going on inside it. — Mark Haddon

That's what spies do, right? They walk to the bakery and buy a loaf of bread everyday - perfectly normal - until one day they buy a loaf of uranium instead. — Robin Sloan

You know what my mother said to me when she came to say good-bye, as if to cheer me up, she says maybe District Twelve will finally have a winner. Then I realized she didn't mean me, she meant you!" bursts out Peeta.
"Oh, she meant you," I say with a wave of dismissal.
"She said, 'She's a survivor, that one.' She is," says Peeta.
That pulls me up short. Did his mother really say that about me? Did she rate me over her son? I see the pain in Peeta's eyes and know he isn't lying.
Suddenly I'm behind the bakery and I can feel the chill of the rain running down my back, the hollowness in my belly. I sound eleven years old when I speak. "But only because someone helped me. — Suzanne Collins

I have a constant sweet tooth, so I like anything from the bakery, like cupcakes, cookies. — Carmen Electra

A rush of cold air blew against his face as he left her bakery. While he walked, Kaden tried to convince himself the date wasn't a big deal, but it was. The nervous energy swirling in his stomach gave him away. He'd never been on a date. Ever. He had met his wife the day they were bonded. He wasn't even sure of the proper protocol for a human date. His brothers had one-night stands, not dates. There was no way he could ask them. They'd never let him live it down. Perhaps he could find the answer on Google?
With all he had learned since his arrival, he was confident he could figure this out. Besides, this was a date with Annabelle - the one human he had made a connection with. After everything they had been through, taking her out on a date should be easy.
What could possibly go wrong? — Stacey O'Neale

She moaned in playful disappointment. "You shouldn't have canceled. It would be fund to take a picture. You'll be laughing at this years from now. — Stacey O'Neale

Hostess Bakery plants shut down due to a workers' strike. It was split up. The State Department hired all the Twinkies, the Secret Service hired all the HoHos, the generals are sleeping with the Cupcakes and the voters sent all the Ding Dongs to Congress. — Argus Hamilton

Tree nuts and peanuts = 3 servings per week Fresh fruits including natural fruit juices = 3 servings per day Vegetables = 2 servings per day Seafood (primarily fatty fish) = 3 servings per week Legumes = 3 servings per week Sofrito = 2 servings per week White meat In place of red meat Wine with meals (optional) = 7 glasses per week Discouraged Soda drinks < 1 drink per day Commercial baked goods, sweets, pastries < 3 servings per week Spread fats < 1 serving per day Red and processed meats < 1 serving per day *Adapted from Estruch, et al. (2013) Sofrito is a sauce made with tomato and onion, and often includes garlic, herbs, and olive oil. Commercial bakery goods, sweets, and pastries included cakes, cookies, biscuits, and custard, and did not include those that are homemade. December 2014 Page 100 of 112 — Anonymous

A Knock On The Door

They ask me if I've ever thought about the end of
the world, and I say, "Come in, come in, let me
give you some lunch, for God's sake." After a few
bites it's the afterlife they want to talk about.
"Ouch," I say, "did you see that grape leaf
skeletonizer?" Then they're talking about
redemption and the chosen few sitting right by
His side. "Doing what?" I ask. "Just sitting?" I
am surrounded by burned up zombies. "Let's
have some lemon chiffon pie I bought yesterday
at the 3 Dog Bakery." But they want to talk about
my soul. I'm getting drowsy and see butterflies
everywhere. "Would you gentlemen like to take a
nap, I know I would." They stand and back away
from me, out the door, walking toward my
neighbors, a black cloud over their heads and
they see nothing without end. — James Tate

Bakery air is that steaming hot front of thick, buttery fumes waiting for you just inside the door of a bakery. And I am just going to tell you straight up: That is some fine air! — Neil Pasricha

My uncle Alex Vonnegut, a Harvard-educated life insurance salesman who lived at 5033 North Pennsylvania Street, taught me something very important.
He said that when things were really going well we should be sure to NOTICE it. He was talking about simple occasions, not great victories: maybe drinking lemonade on a hot afternoon in the shade, or smelling the aroma of a nearby bakery; or fishing, and not caring if we catch anything or not, or hearing somebody all alone playing a piano really well in the house next door.
Uncle Alex urged me to say this out loud during such epiphanies: If this isn't nice, what is? — Kurt Vonnegut

Heaven's Bakery help them all. — Jamie Farrell

When I got a deposit on my very first cake, I took that deposit and I bought some cake mix with it. I've never taken a loan - ever. And we're doing this expansion just like everything we've done in this bakery as we've grown. If we weren't able to afford paying for something cash, we didn't buy it. — Duff Goldman

Life was a cake that looked good on the bakery shelf but turned to sawdust and salt when I ate it. — Maggie Stiefvater

If baking at Zomick's bakery is any labor at all, it's a labor of love. A love that gets passed from one Zomick's generation to the next one. — Zomick's Bakery

Here it is. Let's say you're married, you love your wife, but you're attracted by another woman.'
'Excuse me, but I absolutely cannot understand how after eating my fill here I could go past a bakery and steal a roll. — Leo Tolstoy

There are divisions between a culinary chef and a dessert chef, also called a pastry chef. At Zomick's are specializations within the pastry chef field. Some pastry chefs specialize in baking breads, while others are master cake designers. Each field requires an exceptional level of creativity and attention to detail. — Zomick's Bakery

When I got to Zomick's Kosher Bakery I realized I didn't know very much about food at all. I'd never had a real cake. I'd had those cakes from cake mixes or the ones that have a lot of baking powder in them. A really good Zomick's challah doesn't have anything like that in it - it's all egg power. — Zomick's Bakery

Oh my god," I shrieked. "Who did I screw over in a former life that those douches get to go to cool cities and I have to go home to an island called Hung?" "Those douches do have hairy asses and not just on a full moon. You're the only female agent I have that looks like a model so you're going to Georgia. Period." "Fine. I'll quit. I'll open a bakery." Angela smiled and an icky feeling skittered down my spine. "Excellent, I'll let you tell the Council that all the money they invested in your training is going to be flushed down the toilet — Robyn Peterman

My father, a bakery-truck driver, was the epitome of the work ethic that probably kept me knocking out columns six days a week for a rough total of 12,600 over 50 years. — Irv Kupcinet

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The Ramkins were more highly bred than a hilltop bakery, whereas Corporal Nobbs had been disqualified from the human race for shoving. — Terry Pratchett

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I did work in a bakery for one day. But the boss went off and when he came back I was lying on the floor eating cakes. — Noel Fielding

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Sonja used to say that Ove was "unforgiving." For instance, he refused to go back to the local bakery eight years after they gave him the wrong change when he bought pastries once at the end of the 1990s. Ove called it "having firm principles." They were never quite in agreement when it came to words and their meanings.
p. 239 — Fredrik Backman

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Now when it comes to getting bread
I got the keys to the bakeryDJ Paul

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Was it tacky to get a cake during a hostage crisis? What was the protocol? She pictured chocolate frosting with white lettering: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOPE YOUR DAUGHTER ISN'T DEAD. But this year was her fiftieth, a year with a zero. Veronica had to do something. So on her way to the condo she'd swung by a bakery and picked up a small German chocolate cake. It was her mom's favorite - or at least it had been, a decade ago. — Rob Thomas

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You're doing this for Kimmie for free."
"I'd do anything for Kimmie."
"Including bury a body?"
"Especially bury a body. — Jamie Farrell

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Maybe it was teleportation. The Spirit took you there."
"That might explain my visit to the soccer game, but it doesn't elucidate why I was in two different editions of the bakery."
"Clarify, expound, explicate ... "
"You should have stopped at expound."
"Brandon! I need assistance here. — James L. Rubart

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There's a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They've got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing. — Zooey Deschanel

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He would go to the bakery for a cake, and somewhere in the shop-I had never discovered where; it was one of the few secrets I had not fathomed-he kept a candle, which came out on this day every year, was lit, and which I blew out, with as good an impression of happiness as I could muster. Then we ate the cake, with tea, and settled down to quiet digestion and cataloging. — Diane Setterfield

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Michael held out his hand, and Kaden squeezed tighter than a typical handshake. The other man wiggled his hand free and then shot him an irritated glare.
So, this was the human trying to steal his Annabelle? He didn't look like much - a bit too skinny. She needed a man who could put his arms around her and make her feel safe.
Annabelle's my friend. I have no right to think of her as mine.
His heart pulsed a second time, and he startled. This wasn't happening. Annabelle couldn't be his? A human mate? He didn't understand. Two heartbeats. It had to mean something. — Stacey O'Neale

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Yes,she worked as a stripper in her grandmother's bakery!" she blurts out.What?! It's so unfortunate that my mouth is full of rice right now. Why did I take such a big bite? It's taking forever to chew!"Stripping in a bakery, huh?" Zane says with a ridiculously adorable half smile. "That's pretty awesome."I just keep shaking my head in a tiny mortified sort of way. "I don't ... I'm not a stripper," I stumble over my words,hideously embarrassed. Mom's eyes are huge right now. "Oh, no!" she gasps. "Did I just call you a stripper?!"Indeedly-doodly, Mother. — Nicole Christie

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There's a restaurant in Manhattan called Balthazar, and next to it is Balthazar Bakery. It's tiny, and it's very charming to have that little retail outlet to sell the house desserts and breads. — Tom Douglas

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I have dreams of becoming a professional pastry chef and having a little bakery - that's how much I love baking. I love to cook in general, but my heart lies in desserts. — Kim Barnouin

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What are you doing back at the bakery?" I asked [Diesel]. "Did you know Wulf was here?" "No. I knew food was here. — Janet Evanovich

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I had a lot of things I wanted to do ... I want to be a teacher ... I also want to be an astronaut ... and also make my own cake shop ... I want to go to the sweets bakery and say "I want one of everything", ohhhh I wish I could live life five times over ... Then I'd be born in five different places, and I'd stuff myself with different food from around the world ... I'd live five different lives with five different occupations ... and then, for those five times ... I'd fall in love with the same person ... — Tite Kubo

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First, kids should be involved in the production of their own food. They have to get their hands in the dirt, they have to grow things. They also have to become sensually stimulated, and the way to begin is with a bakery. — Alice Waters

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Sweets and Tarts: The Most Wonderous Bakery in All of Hearts — Marissa Meyer

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Anhil's coffee was hot, dark, full-flavored, perfect chasing the equally well-turned donut: golden brown, dense without being leaden, not too sweet. — A.M. Homes

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I went to bed wearing my oldest, most faded flannel shirt, the bra that had looked all right in the catalog but was obviously an escapee from a downmarket nursing home when it arrived, white cotton panties that had had pansies on them about seven hundred washings ago and were now a kind of mottled gray, and the jeans I usually wore for housecleaning or raking Yolande's garden because they were too shabby for work even if I never came out of the bakery. Food inspector arrest-on-sight jeans. Oh, and fuzzy green plaid socks. It was a cool night for summer. Relatively. I lay down on top of the bedspread. And slept through till the alarm at three-forty-five. He hadn't come. T — Robin McKinley

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Whenever Elliot Norther's wife was nervous she baked. With the murder of Harriet Mason, her husband's close colleague at the Faculty, she had been unable to resist a couple of Victoria sponges. During the frenzied press speculation about the identity of the murderer, a Dundee cake had appeared, followed swiftly by a Battenberg and a Lemon Drizzle. Since news of the Wildencrust murder broke, the kitchen, dining room and study had come to resemble the storerooms of an industrial bakery, every surface heaving with the weight of sponge and cream. Yesterday, having at last been overwhelmed by the fear and rumour that swept the town, she had taken herself off to her mother's house in Hampstead, leaving her husband to soldier on alone. When he had last seen his wife, Elliot Norther noticed that she had been putting the finishing touches to an impressive, triple-tiered wedding cake, beating a batch of royal icing into a sickly paste. — Robert Clear

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Proud parents to two children
Grandparents to five more
Who visit the "Harper Bakery"
It's Gran's cooking they all adore — John Walter Bratton

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My dad's an architect and my mom owned a French bakery for twelve years. — Alison Lohman

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When my phone rang at the bakery, this usually meant someone wanted to order a birthday cake.
When Brock's rang at the Station, this usually meant someone had a cap busted in their ass.
My job was WAY better. — Kristen Ashley

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I'm sorry, I'm always saying silly things I guess. I must've overdone it today in the bakery."
"See now, that's a great excuse. I usually blame all the silly things I say on syphilis." I started to laugh at my own joke before even finishing it. However, after seven seconds of dismayed stares and silence, I realized that maybe STD humor was lost on this crowd. — Penny Reid

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I looked up to see the sun struggling behind a gray mass of snow clouds.
I could relate.
And then a beam of sunlight found a way through. A sign? Maybe.
But what was this? I gasped. The bakery esters had refracted into visible bands of flavor.
Red raspberry, orange, and the yellow of lemon and butter.
Pistachio, lime, and mint green.
The deepest indigo of a fresh blueberry
The violet that blooms when crushed blackberries blend into buttercream.
The Roy G. Biv that a baker loves.
And then the darkness: chocolate, spice, coffee, and burnt-sugar caramel. — Judith Fertig

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His eyes were growing darker. They dipped to her lips. "Make any dirty cupcakes this week?"
"Yes. Two orders."
"What flavors?"
"I don't want to tell you." She totally wanted to tell him. She wanted to watch his eyes go darker when she said the dirty words. And she wanted him to keep touching her cheek. And then touch her in other places. "You should stop."
"Probably. — Jamie Farrell

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A fake ring. A fake engagement. Fake love. Everything was fake. Shiny and put together on the outside, empty on the inside. — Jamie Farrell

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Robert Hughes, Time magazines's art critic, told him on the phone that after he saw the planes flying over SoHo he had walked around in shock. On his way home he had stopped by a bakery and found the shelves cleaned out. Not a loaf remained, not a bagel, and the old baker standing amid the emptiness spread his arms and said, 'Should happen every day. — Salman Rushdie

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My idea of a perfect day is a frozen custard at Shake Shack and a walk in the park. (Followed by a Lactaid.) My idea of a perfect night is a good play and dinner at Orso. (But no garlic, or I won't be able to sleep.) The other day I found a bakery that bakes my favorite childhood cake, and it was everything I remembered: it made my week. — Nora Ephron

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We don't consider a trip to Boston complete if it doesn't include a visit to Flour Bakery for a BLT and a couple of cookies. With Flour, Too we can live vicariously and be there whenever we want. — Amanda Hesser

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unopened. When her son stands in the night outside her house, she goes to bed early. In the morning, she looks at his photograph, writes adoring letters to a long-defunct address. A spinster sees the face of the young man who loved her in the mirror of her bedroom, on the ceiling of the bakery, on the surface of the lake, in the sky. The — Alan Lightman

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At the bakery it's just me. It's a small place. Just me and the raspberry horns and the tourtiere pies and my cigarette going in the ashtray near the black sink. Every once in a while a car passes through the dark street outside the storefont windows, but that's pretty much all I see of people while I'm there, until the end of my shift at eight when Monica shows up to open the store for the day. A solid twelve hours by myself, nothing but the radio to keep me company, and I like it just fine, being alone. It's even better in the winter, during a storm, when the snow piles up outside and no cars come by at all. Inside the bakery it's warm and there's plenty to keep my hands busy. Times like that, for all I can tell I'm the only person left on earth. I could go on making pies and watching the snow pile up until the end of time, so long as there was enough coffee on hand. I don't need company like some people seem to. — Ron Currie Jr.

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Sex was absolutely not allowed to be scheduled, at least not by explicit discussion, but I had become familiar with the sequence of events likely to precipitate it: a blueberry muffin from Blue Sky Bakery, a triple shot of espresso from Otha's, removal of my shirt, and my impersonation of Gregory Peck in the role of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. — Graeme Simsion

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He preferred to not think of his mother as having hips. He preferred to not think of her as a woman at all, more as a traveling mass of loving annoyance - a mother-shaped storm that inhabited the bakery and, in bringing rain for the growth of the living things over which she hovered, didn't mind scaring the piss out of them with a few thunderbolts from time to time. — Christopher Moore

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My eating habits are the only behaviour of mine that are still manic. I can't walk by a restaurant, a bakery, an ice-cream store or a candy store without making a purchase; the amount of calories I take in today are at least five times as many as I took before starting on all of this medication. — Andy Behrman

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When I started at Puma, you had a restaurant that was a Puma restaurant, an Adidas restaurant, a bakery. The town was literally divided. If you were working for the wrong company, you wouldn't be served any food; you couldn't buy anything. So it was kind of an odd experience. — Jochen Zeitz

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As they made their way from the small marina across the campsite and through the town gate to the bakery, an orc came toward them carrying an armful of baguettes. It was accompanied by an elf dressed up as Legolas, its eyes glued to its iPhone. — Nina George

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Mom put dense cheddar bread into a bag for a man who said this was his wife's favorite - he'd driven all the way from New Jersey to buy it because today was their anniversary. Several women in the store jabbed their husbands on hearing this. I hung my head - Peter Terris wouldn't cross the street to buy me a Twinkie. — Joan Bauer

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My favorite part was when my grandfather and I would make a special trip to Firpo's Bakery for red and green Christmas cookies and fruitcake studded with the sweetest cherries I've ever tasted. Usually Firpo's was too expensive for our slim budget, but Christmas mornings they gave a discount to any children who came in. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

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When I was 16 and arrived in France, I discovered chocolate mousse. I was crazy about the bread, too. Every morning, I'd go to the bakery and get a fresh croissant. It made me feel very sophisticated. — Jerry Hall

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Although he thinks he's awesome at them, Andrew really sucks at languages. Once, he tried to speak French to this woman who owned the C'est La Vie bakery back home, and she gave him a cookie because she thought he was mentally challenged. (Page 21) — Alicia Thompson

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Cam placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's not too late."
A thick lump swelled in her throat. "I acted like an idiot."
"That's not a problem," he replied in a comforting tone. "He's been acting like an idiot for weeks now. — Stacey O'Neale

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Polly had a gift for baking pies, and she poured her heart and soul into every one she made. — Sarah Weeks

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Homeboy Bakery is an alternative to kids who have found themselves, regrettably, in gangs and want to redirect their lives. — Greg Boyle

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For seven years after college, I was a waitress at the Buttercup Bakery in Berkeley, and from there I got a job at Merrill Lynch as an account executive, from where I went to vice president of investments for Prudential-Bache Securities. I started my own firm in 1987. — Suze Orman

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Hunger, she often tells me, has nothing to do with the belly and everything to do with the mind. What Mary really runs isn't a bakery, but a community. — Jodi Picoult

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Are those the Edible Undies cupcakes?" one of the women in the kitchen asked.
"They're the Nipple Lickers," Kimmie answered. "Without the nipples."
"I heard you perfected the Sex on a Peach cupcakes," another feminine voice said.
"Can you squeeze me in for a double order of Spank Me Strawberries the weekend before Knot Fest? — Jamie Farrell

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See beauty in those unexpected places. (she asked herself how people could let Bach be background noise.) See the opportunity in what looks like inconvenience. (she steered clear of the traffic jam and went to the bakery she's been meaning to stop at.) She embraces the undeclared possibility in what seems like just another ordinary day. (her friend is scheduled for cancer surgery and suddenly everything around her seems so very precious.) — Mary Anne Radmacher

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My father was a lesson. He had his own bakery, and it was closed one day a week, but he would go anyway. He did it because he really loved his bakery. It wasn't a job. — Christopher Walken

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When you celebrate, there is sure to be cake."
Florence Ditlow, in "The Bakery Girls. — Florence Ditlow

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Would I be as strong as that once I did that thing Christophe was talking about? Blooming? Would I smell like a bakery item? Or was that just him? Did he use pie filling for cologne? — Lilith Saintcrow

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When I'm home in L.A., I go to La Brea, a bakery which does artisan breads, excellent sourdoughs primarily, but also patisserie and cakes. — Nobu Matsuhisa

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The Lazio fans always stop [at the bakery] on their way home from the stadium to stand in the street for hours, leaning up against their motorcycles, talking about the game, looking macho as anything, and eating cream puffs.
I love Italy. — Elizabeth Gilbert

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Cities have always offered anonymity, variety, and conjunction, qualities best basked in by walking: one does not have to go into the bakery or the fortune-teller's, only to know that one might. A city always contains more than any inhabitant can know, and a great city always makes the unknown and the possible spurs to the imagination. — Rebecca Solnit

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I can smell the street air and say that the market has changed. It smells also sharply as smells the fresh bread from a bakery in the frost. — Anna Schlegel

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I'm not very into pastas or heavy foods like meat, but pastries, especially if they come from a really nice French bakery, I go crazy over! I try to allow myself those little treats in the morning for breakfast, then I have a lighter lunch. — Barbara Fialho

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If the lords of the underworld can't bring me out of this funk, no one can. — Stacey O'Neale

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Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he's taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.
Someone else feeling her breasts and c*nt,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even ... but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element
That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity. — Philip Larkin

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Hilary peered over her shoulder at Cam, letting her eyes lazily take him in, "See you soon, tiger."
They both watched as the door closed behind her.
Cam made a moaning sound with a wild expression across his face. "She's going to be fun to tame. — Stacey O'Neale

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Sometimes I feel like I've got my nose pressed up against the window of a bakery, only I'm the bread. — Carrie Fisher

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My mother's death
changed the alchemy of food.
Holidays run together now
like ungrooved rivers. I forget
what they are for. I buy bakery goods.
They look dead
under the blue lights.
I don't do anything the way she taught me
but I get fat.
I don't look like her and I don't sound
like her, but I stand like her. — Florence Weinberger

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (90)

I walked back to the front of the bakery to see a knot of people stalking our display for June. Apricot and lavender might seem like an unusual pairing, but it made perfect sense to me. Luscious, sweet apricots taste best when they're baked and the flavor is concentrated. On the other hand, lavender likes it cool; the buds have a floral, almost astringent flavor. Lavender was a line drawing that I filled in with brushstrokes of lush apricot. — Judith Fertig

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (91)

People know us best for our entrepreneurial success as the founders of Three Dog Bakery; what they don't know is that we owe it all to a gigantic deaf dog named Gracie. But even though Gracie sowed the seeds of our success, this isn't a book about "making it." This is the story of a dog who was born with the cards stacked against her, but whose passionate, joyful nature helped her turn what could have been a dog's life into a victory of the canine spirit - and, in the process, save two guys who thought they were saving her. — Dan Dye

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (92)

For my fragrance, I knew I wanted something sweet but with a different side to it. I have a lot of vanilla notes and bakery shop scents, but then I also have muskier notes that make it a bit edgier. It's fun but also sophisticated. — Bethany Mota

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (93)

Her eyes slid closed, her secret places pulsed in anticipation, and his lips settled onto the skin beneath her ear.
That was magic.
She held perfectly still.
He pressed a kiss to her neck. Then another, lower. A third, even lower.
She squirmed.
He dropped his hands. "Sorry. I---"
"Don't stop," Kimmie whispered. — Jamie Farrell

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (94)

Is mind melting your power?"
"No, mostly I give org*sms." Cam wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Lots and lots of mind-blowing org*sms. — Stacey O'Neale

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (95)

Today I realize that I'm not marrying the one I thought loved me, I'm just Morgan Lewis, the owner of a bakery, a tiny apartment in downtown Atlanta, and a 2012 Camry. Nothing special, just another person walking through town to start her day. — A.M. Willard

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (96)

Josh squeezed her arm. "I'll behave," he murmured. "For now."
She's going to pickle your cucumbers."
"He has more than one?" Natalie whispered.
"That's between me and Kimmie," Josh replied. — Jamie Farrell

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (97)

But he knew how to kiss a woman until she needed his kisses more than she needed to breathe. Until her bones melted. Until she gave him exactly what he wanted. — Jamie Farrell

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (98)

Aroma of fresh bread led me to a bakery where a deformed woman with no nose sold me a dozen crescent-moon pastries. Only wanted one, but thought she had enough problems. — David Mitchell

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (99)

I grew up in Fall River, Massachusetts. My background was modest, and I worked at a Portuguese bakery in town. — Emeril Lagasse

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (100)

Everyone in my story has it's own character, GreenHollyWood cheeky, hypocritical and near to mad guy. A guy who really can't understand you and have very wrong conclusion so far I can say they are full of doubt.
John Barker, wow that's one of my favourite characters, he is the guy who always lies and always somebody is behind him, he works at the bakery, he tries to devastate a lot of stuff.
James Downder, the drunkard who knows probably he takes drugs or not, so far he is full of depression and so far the depression kills people.... — Deyth Banger

Top 100 Quotes & Sayings About Bakery (2024)


What are some baking quotes? ›

Subscribe to Kidadl!
  • “Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.” ...
  • “If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. ...
  • “You don't have to love cooking to cook, but you have to do more than love baking to bake. ...
  • “Baking cookies is comforting, and cookies are the sweetest little bit of comfort food.

What are the 10 bakery terms? ›

10 Beginning Baking Terms
  • 1 — Blind Bake. Blind baking, or pre-baking, is the process of baking a pie crust without a filling. ...
  • 2 — Dock. To dock a pastry means to prick the surface with a fork or a docking tool before baking. ...
  • 3 — Cream. ...
  • 4 — Cut In. ...
  • 5 — Knead. ...
  • 6 — Proof. ...
  • 7 — Score. ...
  • 8 — Temper.
Jan 30, 2020

How would you describe a bakery? ›

A bakery is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, donuts, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also categorized as cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises.

How do you compliment a bakery? ›

Thank you very much! The cake was beautiful and it tasted great! Lisa H. The cake was beautiful and delicious!
How do you compliment someone's baking?
  1. The dish is delicious.
  2. This soup is very tasty.
  3. Great Pasta! ...
  4. You're a fantastic cook.
  5. Did you make this from scratch?
Mar 20, 2022

What are some good bakery names? ›

Here are some cute and creative bakery names that are unique and memorable – just like your sweet baked goods!
Cute Bakery Names – That Are Available.
A Bun in the Oven BakeryGrandma's Bakery
Buns of Steel BakeryHoly Cannoli
Cake My Day BakeryPretty Baked
4 more rows

What are 3 technical terms used in the bakery? ›

Baking Terminology
Cutting InProcess of incorporating small pieces of fat (usually butter) into flour.
DockingProcess of perforating the surface of a dough with a fork or a docker (a special roller with "spikes"). This allows steam to escape and prevents the dough from puffing up when baked.
22 more rows

What's another word for bakery? ›

synonyms for bakery
  • confectionery.
  • bake shop.
  • pastry shop.
  • pâtisserie.

What is another name for a bakery? ›

What is another word for bakery?
bake shoppastry shop
cakerycake shop

What is a professional baker called? ›

Professionals who produce baked goods are called bakers and pastry chefs.

How do you say thank you to a baker? ›

30 Cute Thank You Messages for Making a Cake
  1. It was a pleasant surprise to receive a birthday cake from you. ...
  2. My birthday party was successful, thanks to you!
  3. I loved the taste and color of the birthday cake. ...
  4. Thank you for remembering my birthday and the cake you sent.
  5. I appreciate the birthday cake you sent to me.

How would you describe a beautiful cake? ›

A good cake, as our experts put it, must look beautiful and taste divine. It must have a perfect balance of appearance, texture, and flavour. It must have nothing but the best and freshest ingredients, meticulously mixed in the right proportions and baked to flawless perfection.

What are some 3 word quotes? ›

So with that in mind, we've rounded up the most memorable three-word quotes with bite-sized nuggets of humor and wisdom.
  • “I'll be there.”
  • “I love you.”
  • “Maybe you're right.”
  • “I trust you.”
  • “Go for it.”
  • “Got your back.”
  • “How are you?”
  • “I want you.”
Mar 21, 2022

What is that saying about cake? ›

To have your/one's cake and eat it

Meaning: More easily understood as “You can't have your cake and eat it too” i.e. Used for expressing the impossibility of having something both ways, if those two ways conflict.

What to say when advertising cakes? ›

Here are some taglines you can use to watch your sales soar.
  1. A Cake for Every party.
  2. A slice of heaven.
  3. A special cake for a special day.
  4. Baked specially for you.
  5. Baking delight. Filled memories.
  6. Baking your ideas to life.
  7. Beautiful Cakes for Beautiful Occasions.
  8. Because every cake has a story to tell.
Jun 3, 2021

What do you write on a cake post? ›

  1. Happy Birthday to the best of friends.
  2. For always being there for me: Happy Birthday.
  3. Congrats on making it another year.
  4. Don't let your age get you down… ...
  5. Tell your parents 'Thanks', Birthday Boy/Girl.
  6. You can't get older without me.
  7. Holy crap, you're old BFF! ...
  8. Happy Birthday to my favorite friend. (

How do you describe a home bakery? ›

A home bakery business uses the kitchen in a house or apartment rather than renting commercial space. It produces bread, cakes, pies, muffins, pastries, cookies and similar items in relatively small amounts.

Why is it called blind baking? ›

The word most likely comes from the French word Cuire à blanc, meaning to bake a pie crust or pastry on its own, without any filling. The first time I had to blind bake was around eight years ago. It was when I made a quiche. Since then I've blind-baked many more times and by now it's become pretty effortless.

How does a bakery make money? ›

Typically, bakeries use sales data, labor costs, food costs, and production capacity to forecasts their sales.

How do I create a unique bakery name? ›

20 More Bakery Name Ideas
  1. Raw Wheat.
  2. Golden Flour.
  3. Grandma's Homemade Bread.
  4. Nature's Gifts Bakery.
  5. Bread & Butter.
  6. Piece of Bakery.
  7. Right From Oven.
  8. Just Baked.

How do I name my bakery? ›

How Do I Choose a Bakery Name?
  1. Write down your bakery's core values, mission, description, team, and location.
  2. Ensure your bakery name isn't already taken.
  3. Play around with a restaurant name generator to spark new ideas (and rule out the types of names you don't want)
  4. Reach out to your community for bakery name ideas.

What do you call the bread in cake? ›

They belong to a category called quick breads, which are different than a traditional yeasted bread. While bread and cakes both contain flour and can be baked in similar loaf pans, the traditional definition of a yeasted bread requires: Flour. Water.

What does tip mean in baking? ›

Decorating tips are the nozzles on the end of a pastry bag that the frosting or filling is forced through to apply it to cakes, cookies, or pastries.

What is a fancy word for dessert? ›

  • ambrosia.
  • banquet.
  • bonne bouche.
  • dainty.
  • delight.
  • dessert.
  • feast.
  • goody.

What's another word for pastry? ›

Synonyms for Pastry:
  • n. • delicacy, turnover, dainty, profiterole, napoleon, eclair, trifle, crust, bread, flan, rusk, patisserie, oatcake, puff, brioche, ...
  • Other synonyms: • cobbler, rissole, apple pie, pie crust, pasty, flaky pastry, phyllo, puff pastry, choux pastry, strudel, vol-au-vent, quiche. • tart. •biscuit.

How would you describe the smell of a bakery? ›

The scent of the baking bread would flood out and fill the street. It was a clean, slightly sweet, yeasty aroma that somehow smelled warm, like you were inhaling a blanket on a cold winter day.

What do you write on a bakery website? ›

You definitely want to include photos on your about page, ideally a picture of your beautiful face! It doesn't have to be a professionally shot picture when you're just getting started. A simple picture of you against an attractive background holding a cake would be perfect – and don't forget to smile!

Why do bakers wear white? ›

White Reflects Heat

Because of this, what your chefs wear is essential to their comfort during their long hours in the heat. Therefore, a uniform that is breathable is a necessity. White naturally reflects heat instead of trapping it, helping chefs stay cool while they cook.

What is a master baker called? ›

A pastry chef or pâtissier (pronounced [pɑ. ti. sje]; the French female version of the word is pâtissière [pɑ. ti. sjɛʁ]), is a station chef in a professional kitchen, skilled in the making of pastries, desserts, breads and other baked goods.

What's the difference between pastry and bakery? ›

A baker can bake a wide variety of items, including bread, rolls, pies, cakes, cookies, pastries, donuts, and more. But pastry chefs usually specialize in desserts. They may also make non-baked goods as part of their dessert recipes, like custards, sauces, and chocolates.

How would you describe a delicious dessert? ›

So let's go!
  • sweet. The first word is sweet, sweet. ...
  • decadent. The next word is decadent. ...
  • rich. So the next word is rich, rich. ...
  • savory. The next word is savory. ...
  • crispy. The next word is crispy. ...
  • smooth. The next word is smooth, smooth. ...
  • cakey. The next word is cakey. ...
  • moist. Next word is moist.
Feb 11, 2019

How do you say delicious cake? ›

How to say "Delicious " in British English - YouTube

What is the full meaning of pastries? ›

1. uncountable noun. Pastry is a food made from flour, fat, and water that is mixed together, rolled flat, and baked in the oven.

What else do you like about cakes? ›

10 Reasons Why We Love Cake
  • We have sizes for every occasion.
  • We have enough flavors to make your head spin.
  • We make everything from scratch.
  • A cake means a special celebration.
  • Cake makes everyone happy.
  • You support a local, woman-owned business.
  • We put great pride in our work.
  • Everyone wants to be the person who brought cake.
May 9, 2019

How is pastry made? ›

The process of making pastry includes mixing of the fat and flour, adding water, chilling and then rolling out the dough. Chilling before rolling is essential since it enables the fat (lard, butter etc) to harden again and thus create flaky layers in the dough.

What makes a cake unique? ›

It should be fluffy, spongy, and moist. Having fewer ingredients and proper baking methods make the cake more appealing. Using quality ingredients are always add-ons. Flavours- The most necessary feature of any cake is its flavour.

How would you describe a delicious food? ›

Delicious meals are tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, luscious, delectable, mouth-watering, fit for a king, delightful, lovely, wonderful, pleasant, enjoyable, appealing, enchanting, charming. You wouldn't call delicious that what is tasteless or unpleasant.

How do you present a cake attractively? ›

Cake decorating ideas
  1. Throw some sprinkles on top and on the sides. ...
  2. Get a cake topper like this.
  3. Border the bottom part and/or sides of the cake with nuts, pretzels, candy,
  4. Top your cake with fresh flowers. ...
  5. Sprinkle with fancy salt if its a chocolate or caramel cake.
  6. Top your cake with cookies in a fun pattern.
Mar 8, 2018

Why do I love baking so much? ›

Baking helps you express yourself

Like any creative pursuit, baking is a form of self-expression that helps relieve stress. A recipe is just a recipe until a baker comes along to make it—pouring a little bit of their passion, creativity, and love into it.

How is baking therapeutic? ›

"The physical activity and sensations associated with baking can be very grounding for people who feel anxious or overwhelmed, as it heightens awareness of their body and being present in the moment; both of which can reduce stress and improve mood," Beurkens says.

What baking means to you? ›

helped me relax and unwind. It simply “felt like me.” In a job where I didn't have much creative freedom, baking truly kept me fulfilled and energized. And, not to mention, it's a double whammy of awesomeness– baking makes me happy and baked goods make everyone happy. Spreading joy is immensely powerful.

What does baking say about you? ›

Baking for others is a form of altruism.

“Baking for others can increase a feeling of wellbeing, contribute to stress relief and make you feel like you've done something good for the world, which perhaps increases your meaning in life and connection with other people,” Pincus told HuffPost.

What is the value of baking? ›

In fact, baking has been found to have therapeutic value which helps to ease depression and anxiety. And seeing that one in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives, this wholesome therapy is good for the whole family.

Why is baking so important? ›

Conscientiousness. Baking teaches you to be more cognizant of what you put into your body on a daily basis. Once you start baking regularly, you come to learn the actions of certain ingredients or why one recipe worked while another failed miserably.

How baking is good for your mental health? ›

Reducing stress and anxiety

Baking can help lower stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine. Not only is this good for lowering your levels of stress and anxiety, but that also has a knock-on impact on your sleep, immunity levels, blood pressure and more, thus making baking good for your overall health too.

Why is baking so relaxing? ›

Psychologists explain that baking puts your consciousness in the present. Baking, according to psychologists, triggers our senses of smell, touch, taste and then, finally seeing our end result. They say having something tangible to show for your work will bring a feeling of accomplishment.

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.