Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (2024)

It's sweet, it's indulgent, it's chocolate, it's fudge , it's brownie AND it's a Raw Dessert Recipes Cheesecake. When did life get so good?

Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (1)

Now...yip right now..because you are looking at the latest and greatest from our


Kitchen of Love...haha it's long winded but I call this masterpiece 'The Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cheesecake'

Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (2)

Now if you are new to my site then rest assured not all of our recipes are this rich, indulgent nor do they take so many phases to make..this is just an extreme case of chocolate cravings set loose in my kitchen. Please check out some of the other recipes under dessert recipes for more ideas!

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (3)

Or for Short The Raw Brownie Cheesecake ..haha

Ok I'll stop the photo bashing now...

This cheesecake is just so good and so crazy indulgent ( there's that word again) that I have made a video tutorial to help you get the best out of the dessert recipes.

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

Click here now for the video tutorial

The Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cheesecake Recipe

Dessert Recipes

Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (4)

Just one more photo haha

The Preparation Phase


2 cups of hazelnuts (or any nut you prefer)

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 tsp cinnamon (or nutmeg)

3 tbs melted coconut oil

3 tbs honey (agave if you are vegan)

10 dates presoaked until soft

Pinch of sea salt

4 tbs cacao powder

Break down your nuts in the blender. Remove and place aside in a bowl. Add the cinnamon, salt and cacao powder and mix all dry ingredients by hand. Place aside. In the blender mix all remaining ingredients until you have a caramel paste. Don't mix for to long just enough to break down the dates. Now scoop your caramel mix into the nut mix and rub in by hand. Like you would a crumble until all mixed through. you do this so that the nuts don't get to finely broken down. Press into your tin and firm overnight in the fridge or freezer.

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

Base Cheesecake Cream

3.5 Cups of presoaked cashews drained

1/4 cup of dates presoaked

1/2 cup of date water (this is the water drained from the dates you presoaked the night prior)

3/4 cup of almond milk

1/2 cup of honey or agave

pinch of salt

3/4 cup of melted coconut oil (or cacao butter if you prefer)

Extra Ingredients for later (Don't add these until instructed)

2 Tbs Date water (this is the water drained from the dates you presoaked the night prior)

1/2 cup + 1.5 Tbs Cacao Powder

Take all ingredients from the base cheesecake cream and blend on high until a really smooth creamy mixture forms. Note the extra ingredients for later ingredients have not been added yet.

Separate the mixture into two separate bowls. Now it's time to use our extra ingredients.

To the first bowl add 1/2 cup of cacao powder, pinch of sea salt and 1 tbs of date water and blend on high. Set aside. This is Layer 3 ( Dark Chocolate ) remember this!

To the second bowl add 1.5 tbs of cacao powder and 1 tbs of date water and blend on high. set aside This is layer 1 ( Milk Chocolate ) Remember this!

So you know have a base in the freezer and two seperate bowls of cheesecake mix with different strengths of chocolate in them. Now to make the Chocolate Fudge!

Chocolate Fudge Recipe
1 cup cacao powder
1/2 Cup of coconut oil melted (or cacao Butter)
1/2 Cup of Honey or agave
1 cup of soaked dates
1 cup chopped nuts

Blend all except the nuts until a ganash appears then add 1 cup of chopped nuts of your liking and fold in by hand

Now you have three bowls

  1. Layer 2 Chocolate Fudge Ganash with nuts
  2. Layer 1 Milk chocolate cream
  3. Layer 3 Dark Chocolate Cream

So let's put it together!

  1. Remove the base from the freezer. Pour over the milk chocolate layer, even out and place in the fridge for 20 mins to firm up
  2. After 20 mins remove from the freezer and spoon over the fudge nut ganash layer gently. Place back in the freezer for 10 mins.
  3. Remove and pour over the final dark chocolate layer
  4. Freeze until firm ( usually over night but it can be ready within 6 hours

To dress just make up another batch of the chocolate fudge layer as a sauce and pile with nuts or berries yuuuummmooooo

To watch the video tutorial click here now

Raw is fun and healthy and better yet it tastes incredible! Check out our new Recipe Ebook - The Book of Raw -Slices , Bars and Sweet Treats by clicking here now

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Click here now to read more about the Book Of Raw

Here's a few more recipes that you may like to try

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Raw Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake - Dessert Recipes (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.