Races - DDO wiki (2024)

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Deep Gnome
Races - DDO wiki (12)
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Races - DDO wiki (16)
Races - DDO wiki (17)
Races - DDO wiki (18)
WarforgedFree with unlock
Races - DDO wiki (19)
Wood Elf
Races - DDO wiki (20)
Races - DDO wiki (21)
Races - DDO wiki (22)
Races - DDO wiki (23)
Races - DDO wiki (24)
Races - DDO wiki (25)
Races - DDO wiki (26)


  • 1 Racial Ability Modifiers
    • 1.1 Racial summary chart
  • 2 Race Overviews
    • 2.1 Aasimar
    • 2.2 Dragonborn
    • 2.3 Drow Elf
    • 2.4 Dwarf
    • 2.5 Eladrin
    • 2.6 Elf
    • 2.7 Gnome
    • 2.8 Halfling
    • 2.9 Half-Elf
    • 2.10 Half-Orc
    • 2.11 Human
    • 2.12 Shifter
    • 2.13 Tabaxi
    • 2.14 Tiefling
    • 2.15 Warforged
  • 3 Iconic Race Overviews
    • 3.1 Aasimar Scourge
    • 3.2 Bladeforged
    • 3.3 Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
    • 3.4 Eladrin Chaosmancer
    • 3.5 Morninglord (Sun Elf)
    • 3.6 Purple Dragon Knight
    • 3.7 Razorclaw Shifter
    • 3.8 Shadar-kai
    • 3.9 Tabaxi Trailblazer
    • 3.10 Tiefling Scoundrel
  • 4 Subrace Overviews
    • 4.1 Wood Elf

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A Race is a type of humanoid creature that a player can choose for their Player Characters. Although in D&D there are many "monster races", in DDO the term "race" generally refers only to Player Character options.

Each Race has certain innate modifiers that make them different. These modifiers can include higher or lower abilities, skills, feats, and special modifiers. This page gives a brief overview of each race's capabilities, but you should look at each race's page for full information.

As of Update 68 there are a total of 26 possible races in the game: 16 basic races plus 10 iconic races, based on the Eberron and Forgotten Realms campaign settings from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 and 4th editions. Free to Play players can freely choose from the basic races of Dragonborn, Drow, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Tiefling or Wood Elf, but must purchase any or all of Aasimar, Eladrin, Shifter, Tabaxi, Warforged, and all Iconic races that they care to play. The Warforged race can also be easily unlocked on a server for free by achieving 400 favor with any single character.

Racial Ability Modifiers

Most Races have innate changes to their abilities (with Human as the "unmodified" norm) - Orcs are stronger but less charismatic, Elves are more dextrous but have less constitution, and so on. These changes are applied after building a character, so are "free" modifiers - you don't pay more to get more, it's just "more" (or "less", as the case may be).

Besides these innate racial modifiers, each race has access to its own Racial Enhancement Tree. Within these, characters of different races have the option to spend Action Points to gain additional ability increases. These are optional and separate from the innate modifiers mentioned previously.

When creating a character in Dungeons & Dragons Online, it's important to consider how a given race would aid your desired build. Any race in DDO can be any class, and they all can multiclass as well. However, some races are better suited for certain classes, while some may be somewhat less ideal for certain others. For instance, if you want a "strong" character, a half-orc (+2 Str) might be a better choice than a Halfling (-2 Str). However, there are more differences than just "ability modifiers" to consider when choosing a race - it is recommended to view each individual race's page before deciding on the race and the class(es) you wish to play.

Note that in DDO there are no differences at all between female and male characters, except cosmetic (i.e. their appearance).

Racial summary chart

Summary of the races and their allowed starting ability ranges and maximum potential enhancement modifiers:

Ability Modifiers
Racial Enhancement
Ability Modifiers
AasimarP8–188–188–188–1810–208–18Wis +2
+2 (total) Str/Wis/Cha;
Racial Feat: +1 Str or Cha
AasimarScourgeI8–188–188–188–1810–208–18Wis +2
+2 (total) Str/Wis/Cha;
Racial Feat: +1 Con
BladeforgedI8–186–1610–208–186–168–18Con +2
Dex −2, Wis −2
+2 Con
DeepGnome(Svirfneblin)I6–168–188–1810–2010–206–16Int +2, Wis +2
Str −2, Cha −2
+2 (total) Wis/Int
DragonbornF10–206–168–188–188–1810–20Str +2, Cha +2
Dex −2
+2 (total) Str/Cha
DrowElfF8–1810–206–1610–208–1810–20Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +2
Con −2
+2 (total) Dex/Int/Cha
DwarfF8–188–1810–208–188–186–16Con +2
Cha −2
+2 Con
EladrinP8–1910–208–188–198–198–19Dex +2
+1 Cha/Int/Str/Wis (one at a time)
+2 (total) Dex/Int/Cha
+1 Cha/Int/Str/Wis (one at a time, same as innate bonus)
Eladrin ChaosmancerI8–198-188–188–198–1910–21Cha +2
+1 Cha/Int/Str/Wis (one at a time)
+2 (total) Dex/Int/Cha
+1 Cha/Int/Str/Wis (one at a time, same as innate bonus)
ElfF8–1810–206–168–188–188–18Dex +2
Con −2
+2 Dex
GnomeF6–168–188–1810–208–188–18Int +2
Str −2
+2 Int
HalflingF6–1610–208–188–188–188–18Dex +2
Str −2
+2 Dex
Half-ElfF8–188–188–188–188–188–18(none)As Elf or Human
(your choice, but not both)
Half-OrcF10–208–188–186–168–186–16Str +2
Int −2, Cha −2
+2 Str
HumanF8–188–188–188–188–188–18(none)your choice of +1 any stat,
& +1 to a different stat
Morninglord(Sun Elf)I8–188–186–1610–208–188–18Int +2
Con −2
+2 Int
PurpleDragonKnightI8–188–188–188–188–188–18(none)your choice of +1 any stat,
& +1 to a different stat
Razorclaw ShifterI10–208–188–186–168–188–18Str +2
Int −2
+2 (total) Str/Dex/Con
Shadar-kaiI8–1810–208–188–188–186–16Dex +2
Cha −2
+1 (total) Dex/Int/Cha
ShifterP8–1810–208–186–168–188–18Dex +2
Int −2
+2 (total) Str/Dex/Con/Wis
TabaxiP8–1810–208–188–188–188–18+2 Dex+2 (total) Cha/Dex
Tabaxi TrailblazerI8–1810–208–188–188–188–18+2 Dex+2 Dex
TieflingF8–188–188–188–188–1810–20+2 Cha+2 Cha
Tiefling ScoundrelI8–188–188–188–188–1810–20+2 Cha+2 Cha
WarforgedP 28–188–1810–208–186–166–16Con +2
Wis −2, Cha −2
+2 Con
Wood ElfF8–1810–208–186–168–188–18Dex +2
Int −2
+2 Dex
  • 1) F = "Free to Play" (aka Basic); P = Premium, I = Iconic Race
  • 2) Warforged are not available to starting accounts, however they are available "for free" once any character on that server earns 400 favor. Warforged and all other non-Free-to-play races can be bought in-game via the DDO Store. (See Warforged and Favor for more information.)


Main article: Aasimar

Races - DDO wiki (27) Aasimar
DescriptionCarrying the blood of a celestial, an Aasimar is usually good-aligned and fights against evil in the world.
Stats+2 Wisdom
BenefitsRacial Lay On Hands (Healing Hands). +2 Racial Bonus to Heal, Listen, and Spot. +5 Resistance to Cold, Acid, and Electricity.
Favored ClassesWith +2 to Wisdom and an optional racial healing boost, Aasimar make excellent Clerics, Druids, and Favored Souls. Their racial enhancements can also aid fighting "evil", so any class that can claim that, especially Paladins, also benefits. The wisdom bonus (and potential strength bonus) also make Aasimar viable Monks and Rangers.
Inherent racial featsEither +1 Charisma and +1 to Will Saving Throws, or +1 to Strength and +1 to Reflex Saving Throws.
Free to PlayBuy or rent: This race must either be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers. Alternatively, it is also unlocked during VIP subscription.


Main article: Dragonborn

Races - DDO wiki (28) Dragonborn
DescriptionDragonborn can have the unique ability to channel elements into a Breath Weapon attack.
Stats+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity
BenefitsStacking bonus to one <elemental> Energy Resistance equal to your Character Level via chosen Draconic Ancestry. Optional: Breath weapon via racial enhancements.
FlawsLower Dexterity makes Armor Class, Reflex save, and some skills slightly lower. May have difficulty meeting dex-based Feat requirements.
Favored ClassesWith +2 to Charisma, dragonborn make good bards, favored souls, sorcerers and warlocks, and strength-based melee combatants.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.

Drow Elf

Main article: Drow

Races - DDO wiki (29) Drow
DescriptionThe Drow of Eberron are not like the Drow of Faerun (aka Forgotten Realms), they are more akin to the normal Elves of Eberron but have different starting ability scores. They cannot be created as a 32-point build because of the extra ability scores they receive at character creation.
Stats+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution.
Benefits+2 to saves against Enchantment spells, inherent Spell Resistance, +2 to Listen, Search, and Spot skills, and bonus racial weapon proficiencies (rapier, shortsword, and shuriken).
FlawsLower Constitution, averaging fewer hit points than most other races, and having a score of less than 12-14 will make characters more fragile than average.
Favored ClassesThey make great Sorcerers, Wizards, Artificers, or Rogues with their extra stat points, they also excel at being a Bard, Ranger, or even a Paladin.
DeityVulkoor, Sovereign Host, Silver Flame.
Inherent racial featsShuriken Expertise
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Dwarf

Races - DDO wiki (30) Dwarf
DescriptionDwarves are known for their skill in warfare, their ability to withstand physical and magical punishment and their hard work.
Stats+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
BenefitsRacial Toughness enhancements, Spell Point enhancements, bonuses to saves against spells and poisons, bonuses when fighting giant or goblinoid type creatures, bonuses to Search and Balance.
FlawsPenalty to Charisma makes them less attractive to Charisma-based classes, like Sorcerers.
Favored ClassesBecause of their extra Constitution, Dwarves make great Fighters and Barbarians. They can also do well as a Cleric, or as a Monk since they do not use Charisma.
DeitySovereign Host, Silver Flame.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Eladrin

Races - DDO wiki (31) Eladrin
DescriptionEladrin are the Elves of the Feywild, and carry a strong association to seasonal magic. They are charismatic and adept at both martial and magical combat
Stats+2 Dexterity, plus one of the following (depending on current Seasonal Affinity):
BenefitsImmune to Sleep, +2 to saves against Enchantment spells, higher total starting stats than any other race.
Favored Classes
DeityAmaunator, Helm, Silvanus.
Inherent racial featsAutumn AffinityElven Keen SensesEnchantment Save BonusImmunity to SleepSpring AffinitySummer AffinityWinter Affinity
Free to PlayBuy or rent: It must be purchased from DDO Market as part of Magic of Myth Drannor bundles. Alternatively, it is also unlocked during VIP subscription.


Main article: Elf

Races - DDO wiki (32) Elf
DescriptionElves are very dexterous but are less hardy than the other races. They have a resistance to enchantments and have keen senses.
Stats+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution.
BenefitsImmune to Sleep, +2 to saves against Enchantment spells, +2 to Listen, Search and Spot skills, racial weapon proficiencies (longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow). Elven Wizards also gain access to the Elven Arcanum enhancement line for more spell points, and Elven Clerics can take the enhancement Undying Call by being a Follower of the Undying Court, gaining the ability to raise dead party members at level 6. Elves also have their own Arcane Archer prestige class, independent from the Ranger class.
FlawsLower Constitution, averaging fewer hit points than most other races, and having a score of less than 12-14 may exclude you from some parties due to your inability to meet hit point requirements (this is rare nowadays.)
Favored ClassesThey make great Rangers with their extra dexterity. They also excel at being Clerics, Rogues, and Wizards.
DeitySovereign Host, Silver Flame, Undying Court.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Gnome

Races - DDO wiki (33) Gnome
DescriptionGnomes are small, clever, and insatiably curious, yet not as strong as others. They are skilled with magic (UMD) and illusions. They can carry the Dragonmark of Scribing. They are particularly skilled with various light weapons and one-handed hammers.
Stats+2 Intelligence, -2 Strength
Benefits+1 AC and Attack bonus, +4 Hide, +2 Haggle and Use Magic Device; Light Hammer, Throwing Hammer and Warhammer proficiencies.
Flaws3/4 Carrying capacity, Intimidate penalty
Favored ClassesBecause of their Intelligence, they can make great Wizards, Alchemists and Artificers.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Halfling

Races - DDO wiki (34) Halfling
DescriptionOne of the smallest of all the playable races, dexterous and agile. Able to sneak about and hide in corners if they so choose.
Stats+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
Benefits+1 size bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus to attack rolls with thrown weapons, +2 to Jump, Listen and Move Silently skills, and +4 to Hide. Halfling also get +1 to all saves and +2 bonus to saves against Fear. They also gain limited healing abilities with the Mark of Healing Dragonmark feats. In addition, Halflings gain the Cunning and Guile enhancement lines, which greatly increase their attack bonus when flanking and their Sneak Attack damage, respectively.
FlawsHalflings only have 75% carrying capacity when compared to other races, and their racial penalty to Strength can be a slight detriment to their damage dealing ability.
Favored ClassesHalflings have great synergy with the Rogue class due to their bonuses to Hide and Move Silently as well as their +1 to all saves/attack rolls, and several specialized enhancements lines. They can also excel at the Monk class.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Half-Elf

Races - DDO wiki (35) Half-Elf
DescriptionA combination of Human and Elven parents, Half-Elves are typically shunned by the Elven community. They mainly live in Human cities.
StatsNo changes.
BenefitsHalf-Elves receive a free Dilettante feat, which they may select to provide some of the abilities of a class. They also have access to both Human and Elven enhancements.
Favored ClassesHalf-Elfs, due to their Dilettante Feats, make a good racial choice for any class, just like Humans. Like Elfs they can become Arcane Archers via race, which allows for interesting class combinations.
DeitySovereign Host, Silver Flame, Undying Court.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Half-Orc

Races - DDO wiki (36) Half-Orc
DescriptionThe product of Human and Orc parents, savage and brutish in their nature. They boast extra Strength over the other races, but are not as intelligent or charismatic.
Stats+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
BenefitsHigher Strength provides bonuses to attack and damage melee rolls. Also enhancements favor the use of two handed weapons.
FlawsPenalty to Intelligence and Charisma result in less effective to some classes like Sorcerer, and Wizard.
Favored ClassesHalf-Orcs make good all-round melee characters with bonuses to strength and very high damage, they are particularly good at two handed fighting Barbarians, Fighters.
DeitySovereign Host, Silver flame.
Inherent racial featsHalf-Orc Orc Blood
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Human

Races - DDO wiki (37) Human
DescriptionA well-rounded race that can excel at any class, with no outstanding benefits and virtually no flaws they are an excellent choice for any player new to the Dungeons & Dragons gaming system and the world of Eberron.
StatsNo changes.
BenefitsOne extra Feat at 1st Level. Also, Humans get 4 additional Skill Points at creation and 1 additional skill point per level. Humans get race-specific enhancement lines such as Human Adaptability and Human Greater Adaptability, and Human Versatility.
Favored ClassesBeing the only race that can unlock the full potential of the Chimera's Fang, Humans make particularly good Fighters or Paladins. They make great Clerics due to the ability to take an extra point in Wisdom with Human Adaptability or Human Greater Adaptability, but a Human can do well as any class in the game.
DeitySovereign Host, Silver flame.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Shifter

Races - DDO wiki (38) Shifter
DescriptionShifters come from Lycanthropic ancestry. Walking the edge between the wilds and the rest of the world, they try to find their place in the world.
Stats+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence
BenefitsExtra Shifter feat at 1st level. The racial tree can increase Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom. It enhances its Shifting (Raging) capabilities. Both styles, (tanky) melee combat or spellcasting, are supported in the tree. (i.e. "can cast while raging")
FlawsReduced Intelligence limits your learning capabilities (skills), particularly hindering to Wizard, Sorcerer, Alchemist.
Favored Classes
DeityAureon, Blood of Vol, Olladra, Onatar, Silver Flame, Sovereign Host.
Inherent racial featsShifter Feat: Select your subrace: Either Beasthide Shifter (increases Con and AC) or Wildhunt Shifter (increases Wis + Dex). Shifting counts as a form of Raging: It grants Rage bonuses from other sources, it expends a Rage use, and you are Fatigued afterwards.
Free to PlayBuy or rent: This race must either be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers. Alternatively, it is also unlocked during VIP subscription.


Main article: Tabaxi

Races - DDO wiki (39) Tabaxi
DescriptionTabaxi is a catlike humanoid with supernatural powers introduced in U54: The Isle of Dread expansion.
Stats+2 Dexterity
Favored Classes
Inherent racial featsFeline Agility
Free to PlayBuy or rent: It must either be purchased in the DDO Store for 1,595Races - DDO wiki (40) or from DDO Market as part of the Isle of Dread bundles. Alternatively, it is also unlocked during VIP subscription.


Main article: Tiefling

Races - DDO wiki (41) Tiefling
DescriptionTieflings have only recently been allowed passage in Stormreach (U41.4, March 28, '19). Their distinctly diabolic/infernal appearance makes them stand out in most any crowd.
Stats+2 Charisma
BenefitsImmune to Fear, racial fire resistance
Favored ClassesTieflings excel as casters, especially Charisma/fire-based casters, so Fire-Savant Sorcerers and Fiend-pact Warlocks, but are also naturals as Bards or even fire-based Wizards.
DeityEberron deities
Inherent racial featsInfernal Ancestry
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.


Main article: Warforged

Races - DDO wiki (42) Warforged
DescriptionThese are known as living constructs and are unique to the world of Eberron, the Warforged that a player plays are sentient beings and are regarded as a race on equal footing with the same rights as any other race. Warforged do not wear the body armor that other races are able to wear, instead they have inherent armor and use Docents to give them extra abilities.
Stats+2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
BenefitsImmune to Poison, Sleep Effects, Negative Levels, Paralysis, Hold Person/Monster, Flesh to Stone, Disease, Nausea, Fatigue & Exhaustion. Sorcerers and Wizards (including Hirelings that can Repair Warforged) can use Repair spells to heal Warforged. Do not breathe underwater and have an inherent stacking 25% fortification. Has the effects of the Diehard feat by default. Swapping docents is instantaneous and they do not have to wait for the timer that other races get when changing armor.
FlawsCure and Heal spells from Divine Casters have a -50% penalty when cast upon Warforged. Rust monsters will do more damage against a Warforged, have a chance to stun them with every attack, and will seek them out in battle. Warforged are vulnerable to the Deconstruct spell that is carried by artificers.
Favored ClassesWith their bonus constitution they make good Fighters and Barbarians. They also make excellent Sorcerers, Artificers, and Wizards because of the arcane caster's ability to use Repair spells which are effective on Warforged. While a somewhat niche choice, Warforged Favored Souls can attain multiple types of DR, since their level 20 DR works with their DR from enhancements and the various Warforged DR feats.
DeitySovereign Host, Lord of Blades, Silver Flame.
Inherent racial featsUses a special kind of armor only, called Docents. The armor bonus and onus depends of the body feat you choose.
Free to Play"Yes", unlocked early: Warforged are not available to Free to Play accounts right away, however they are available "for free" once any character on that server earns 400 favor. As with any Premium race, Warforged can be bought in-game via the DDO Store, or are also unlocked during VIP subscription.

Main article: Iconic Heroes

Aasimar Scourge

Main article: Aasimar Scourge

Races - DDO wiki (43) Aasimar Scourge
DescriptionAasimar Scourge are imbued with a divine energy that blazes intensely within them. It feeds a powerful desire to destroy evil-a desire that is, at its best, unflinching and, at its worst, all-consuming.
Stats+2 Wisdom
BenefitsFavored Enemy: Undead, Racial Lay On Hands. +2 racial bonus on Heal, Listen, and Spot checks. +5 Resistance to Cold, Acid, and Electricity.
Favored ClassesMandatory first level is Ranger. With +2 to Wisdom and an optional racial healing boost, Aasimar make excellent Clerics and Favored Souls. Their racial enhancements can also aid fighting "evil", so any class that can claim that, especially Paladins, also benefits.
Inherent racial feats+1 Constitution, +1 to Fortitude Saving Throws.
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.


Main article: Bladeforged

Races - DDO wiki (44) Bladeforged
DescriptionYou were built for war. With a greatsword in hand, you mercilessly smite your foes and leave behind only a wake of destruction.
Stats+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom
BenefitsImmune to Poison, Sleep Effects, Negative Levels, Paralysis, Hold Person/Monster, Flesh to Stone, Disease, Nausea, Fatigue & Exhaustion. Sorcerers and Wizards (including Hirelings that can Repair Warforged) can use Repair spells to heal Warforged. Do not breathe underwater and have an inherent stacking 25% fortification. Has the effects of the Diehard feat by default. Swapping docents is instantaneous and they do not have to wait for the timer that other races get when changing armor.
FlawsCure and Heal spells from Divine Casters have a -50% penalty when cast upon Bladeforged. Rust monsters will do more damage against a Bladeforged, have a chance to stun them with every attack, and will seek them out in battle. Warforged are vulnerable to the Deconstruct spell that is carried by artificers.
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Paladin. Good melees and arcane casters.
DeityLord of Blades.
Inherent racial featsUses a special kind of armor only, called Docents. The armor bonus and onus depends of the body feat you choose.
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.

Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)

Main article: Deep Gnome

Races - DDO wiki (45) Deep Gnome
DescriptionAlso called deep gnomes, svirfneblin are said to dwell in great cities deep underground. A svirfneblin has wiry, rock-colored skin usually medium brown to brownish gray. Only males are bald; females have stringy gray hair. The average svirfneblin lifespan is 250 years.
Stats+2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Benefits+1 AC and Attack bonus, +4 Hide, +2 Haggle and Use Magic Device, 6 Spell Resistance.
Flaws3/4 Carrying capacity, Intimidate penalty.
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Wizard.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayBuy or rent: This race can be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers. Alternatively, it is the only Iconic which is unlocked during VIP subscription.

Eladrin Chaosmancer

Main article: Eladrin Chaosmancer

Races - DDO wiki (46) Eladrin Chaosmancer
Stats+2 Charisma, plus one of the following (depending on current Seasonal Affinity):
BenefitsImmune to Sleep, +2 to saves against Enchantment spells, higher total starting stats than any other race (Spring Affinity allows a Chaosmancer to start with 21 in a stat, which is impossible on any other race.)
Favored ClassesMandatory first level of Wild Mage.
DeityAmaunator, Helm, Silvanus.
Inherent racial featsAutumn AffinityElven Keen SensesEnchantment Save BonusImmunity to SleepSpring AffinitySummer AffinityWinter Affinity
Free to PlayMust be purchased from DDO Market as part of the Ultimate Magic of Myth Drannor bundle.

Morninglord (Sun Elf)

Main article: Morninglord

Races - DDO wiki (47) Morninglord
Stats-2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
Benefits+2 Listen, Search and Spot, +2 saves against enchantments, sleep immunity; Rapier, Longsword, Longbow and Shortbow proficiencies.
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Cleric.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.

Purple Dragon Knight

Main article: Purple Dragon Knight

Races - DDO wiki (48) Purple Dragon Knight
StatsNo changes.
BenefitsLike Humans: One extra Feat at 1st Level, an 4 additional Skill Points at creation and 1 additional skill point per level. Purple Dragon Knights can get extra Tactical bonuses from their Charisma.
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Fighter.
DeityAmaunator, Helm, Silvanus.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.

Razorclaw Shifter

Main article: Razorclaw Shifter

Races - DDO wiki (49) Razorclaw Shifter
Stats+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Barbarian.
DeityAureon, Blood of Vol, Olladra, Onatar, Silver Flame, Sovereign Host.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.


Main article: Shadar-kai

Races - DDO wiki (50) Shadar-kai
Stats+2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of rogue.
DeityAmaunator, Helm, Silvanus.
Inherent racial featsSpiked Chain Attack
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.

Tabaxi Trailblazer

Main article: Tabaxi Trailblazer

Races - DDO wiki (51) Tabaxi Trailblazer
DescriptionTabaxi Trailblazer is a catlike humanoid with supernatural powers introduced in U54: The Isle of Dread expansion.
Stats+2 Dexterity
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of Monk.
Inherent racial featsFeline Agility
Free to PlayIn the DDO Store for 1,595Races - DDO wiki (52) or from DDO Market as part of the Isle of Dread bundles.

Tiefling Scoundrel

Main article: Tiefling Scoundrel

Races - DDO wiki (53) Tiefling Scoundrel
Stats+2 Charisma
BenefitsImmune to Fear, racial fire resistance, Fiendish Arpeggio SLA
Favored ClassesMandatory 1st level of bard.
DeityEberron deities
Inherent racial featsInfernal Ancestry, Fiendish Arpeggio
Free to PlayNo. This race must be purchased from the DDO Store to be able to create one at the character creation screen. Once purchased it unlocks the race on all servers.

Subraces are racial variants that have new look and somewhat tweaked racial feats and enhancements. However, they share racial past lives with the main race.

Wood Elf

Main article: Wood Elf

Races - DDO wiki (54) Wood Elf
DescriptionWood Elves have ancient roots, with their culture originating near the same as other Elves. Hardier than other Elves, many were raised up in the most dangerous wilds where few others would dare to go.
Stats+2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
BenefitsImmune to Sleep, +2 to saves against Enchantment spells, +2 to Listen, Search and Spot skills, racial weapon proficiencies (longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow). Elven Wizards also gain access to the Elven Arcanum enhancement line for more spell points, and Elven Clerics can take the enhancement Undying Call by being a Follower of the Undying Court, gaining the ability to raise dead party members at level 6. Elves also have their own Arcane Archer prestige class, independent from the Ranger class.
FlawsLower Intelligence, averaging fewer skill points to spend.
Favored ClassesThey make great Rangers with their extra dexterity.
DeityAureon, Blood of Vol, Olladra, Onatar, Silver Flame, Sovereign Host, Undying Court.
Inherent racial feats
Free to PlayYes! This race is free to all players.
Races - DDO wiki (2024)


What is the best race for a wizard in DDO? ›


A wizard's main ability scores are Intelligence and Constitution. Choose your race either to boost these scores, or to gain access to good racial Enhancements. Warforged, Drow and Human are probably the best three races. Any wizard not planning to use a shroud of undeath should play a Warforged if possible.

How many races are there in DDO? ›

Free to Play players can freely choose from the basic races of Dragonborn, Drow, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Tiefling or Wood Elf, but must purchase any or all of Aasimar, Eladrin, Shifter, Tabaxi, Warforged, and all Iconic races that they care to play.

What race is best for favored soul DDO? ›

The most beneficial races for FvS spell-casters are human and half-elf.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.