Multiclass - DDO wiki (2024)

Multiclass - DDO wiki (1)

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A character may add new classes as he or she progresses in level, thus becoming a multiclass character. The class abilities from a character’s different classes combine to determine a multiclass character’s overall abilities. Multiclassing improves a character’s versatility at the expense of focus. To multiclass a character, you need only talk to a class trainer of the appropriate class when you are ready to level.

In D&D Online, there is no experience point penalty for multiclassing, but you are limited to a maximum of 3 classes.


  • 1 Class and level features
  • 2 Class specific notes
  • 3 Alignment
  • 4 Interaction with Archetypes
  • 5 The Art of Multiclassing
  • 6 The "Rogue Splash" Template

Class and level features[edit]

As a general rule, the abilities of a multiclass Player Character are the sum of the abilities of each of the character’s classes.

  • Level: “Character level” is a character’s total number of levels. It is used to determine when feats and ability score boosts are gained.
  • Class level” is a character’s level in a particular class. For a character whose levels are all in the same class, character level and class level are the same.
  • Hit Points: A character gains hit points from each class as his or her class level increases, adding the new hit points to the previous total.
  • Base Attack Bonus: Add the base attack bonuses acquired for each class to get the character’s base attack bonus.
  • Saving Throws: Add the base save bonuses for each class together.
  • Skills:
    • If a skill is a class skill for any of a multiclass character’s classes, then character level determines a skill’s maximum rank. (The maximum rank for a class skill is 3 + character level.)
    • If a skill is not a class skill for any of a multiclass character’s classes, the maximum rank for that skill is one-half the maximum for a class skill.
  • Class Feats:
    • A multiclass character gets all the class feats of all his or her classes but must also suffer the consequences of the special restrictions of all his or her classes.
    • In the special case of Turn Undead, both clerics and experienced paladins have the same ability. If the character’s paladin level is 4th or higher, her effective turning level is her cleric level plus her paladin level minus 3.
    • In the special case of Uncanny Dodge, both experienced barbarians and experienced rogues have the same ability. When a barbarian/rogue would gain uncanny dodge a second time (for her second class), she instead gains improved uncanny dodge, if she does not already have it. Her barbarian and rogue levels stack to determine the rogue level an attacker needs to flank her.
  • Purchased feats: A multiclass character gains feats based on character levels, regardless of individual class level.
  • Enhancements: A multiclass character gains racial enhancements and Harper Agent enhancements based on character levels, and class enhancements based on class level or character level.
  • Ability Increases: A multiclass Player Character gains ability score increases based on character level, regardless of individual class level.
  • Spells: The Player Character gains spells from all of his or her spellcasting classes and keeps a separate spell list for each class. If a spell’s effect is based on the class level of the caster, the player must keep track of which class’s spell list the Player Character is casting the spell from. Spell points for multiclass casters stack into one larger pool.

Class specific notes[edit]

  • Bard: A multiclass bard still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.
  • Paladin: Like a member of any other class, a paladin may be a multiclass Player Character, and contrary to PnP, multiclass paladins can get more paladin levels after multiclassing (just like any other class).
  • Rogue, Barbarian: Trap Sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.


The following are limited in how they can multiclass due to alignment:

  • Paladin: must be lawful good
  • Monk: must be lawful
  • Bard, Barbarian: must not be lawful
  • Druid: must not be lawful good or chaotic good

See also Alignment/Class Compatibility Chart.

Interaction with Archetypes[edit]

Multiclassing into an archetype is fairly simple. When you take your first level in a second or third class, you can choose to take it as an Archetype level instead of one in the standard class. This is subject to the following restrictions:

  • You cannot multiclass into an archetype of a class you already have levels in, nor can you multiclass into the standard class related to an archetype you already have levels in.
  • Archetypes are subject to the same alignment restrictions as their base classes - accordingly, Sacred Fist requires a lawful good character, Stormsinger cannot be taken on a lawful character, and Blightcaster cannot be taken on a lawful good or chaotic good character. The exception is Acolyte of the Skin - this adds the restriction that the character cannot be good.
  • When undergoing Lesser Reincarnation, for each class on a multiclassed character with a related archetype, you pick whether to use the base class or the archetype when you retake your first level in that class. Changing classes with a higher-level Heart of Wood works as normal, including the restrictions on changing classes if you already have three.
  • You can be in multiple archetypes at once, but archetypes also count towards your total classes.

Note that Archetypes can often be difficult to multiclass effectively, as they are heavily dependent on their unique enhancement trees at higher levels - if your character is intending to multiclass out of an archetype, be absolutely certain that you can afford to give up on the capstone. (Multiclassing into an archetype is a bit easier.)

The Art of Multiclassing[edit]

Making a multi-class Player Character requires careful planning. The reasons for this are two-fold. First, certain classes are more effective in combination than others because their primary ability scores are complementary, and it’s a good idea to pick a class combination that has abilities that blend well together. Second, skill points gained for classes, class feats, and saving throws increase differently for various classes. You’ll want to take this into consideration and plan for it appropriately.

There are basic guidelines for multi-classing one’s character. There are times where breaking these guidelines are okay, but generally they will hold true from build to build. Breaking the guidelines merits a close look at the benefits gained.

First, look at the primary ability scores of each class. For example, fighters, barbarians and rangers all share strength as important ability score for their classes. Bards, paladins and sorcerers all use charisma as an important abilities score for their class feats and skills. Therefore, if you made, for example, a sorcerer/paladin multi-class, points in charisma would be more efficient.

By the same token, wisdom is not a primary ability of most fighting classes (the Monk's wisdom determines many abilities that augment some attacks, such as Stunning Fist), so a cleric and fighter combination would be less wise regarding the blend of their ability scores. This doesn’t necessarily rule out cleric/fighter multi-classes, but it will make them less efficient than a better class combination in this regard.

Second, How much are your classes diluted by lower levels? A multi-classed cleric loses a lot of effectiveness in his turning ability in comparison to the hit dice of the undead he meets as he gains in levels. After a couple levels of multi-classing in another class, a cleric will no longer be able to turn undead, and effectively loses turning ability. However, a ranger’s bow strength ability, gained at level 1, is not diluted by multi-classing into another class.

Third, Look at the 'sweet spots' for the classes in terms of number of levels. Classes don't improve equally at each level. Bonus feats granted at certain levels and the ability to take important enhancements makes some levels better than others.For many classes, obvious sweet spots are 6, 12 and 18 because they get a Prestige Enhancement at that level.

For example:

-A druid will get its Wild shape Feats at 2, 5, 8, 11, 13 and 17.

-A bard gets a huge improvement to his inspire courage song at level 14.

-Many classes gain a lot of their strength from their first levels. A cleric can use scrolls, a monk can add their wisdom bonus to AC and a rogue can invest points in Search, Disable Device and Use Magic Device regardless of their level.

-Monks and rogues get the valuable Evasion feat at level 2.

-Clerics get the ability to cast level 9 spells at level 17.

-Fighters get bonus feats at every even level.

In general, a splash (a low number of levels in a class) can already provide much of the functionality of the class.

Look at what levels you want to get, but also look at what levels you can do without. They could be better spent as a level in your other classes.

A popular level split for melee classes is 12/6/2 because it enables the first two Prestige Enhancements in your primary class, another in your secondary class and 2 levels of rogue, monk or fighter for evasion and/or extra feats.

Fourth, Always consider if it's worth the capstone enhancement. Many classes get a huge benefit at level 20 so giving up on that 'sweet spot' has to be worth it.

Note that it is often best to take the class with the highest skill bonus as one’s first class. This is because you receive four times the number of skill points at level 1 than at other levels. So a rogue/wizard receives 32 skill points (before bonuses) if rogue is taken at character level 1, while if wizard was taken at Player Character level 1, the Player Character would receive 8 skill points (before bonuses).

The "Rogue Splash" Template[edit]

See also Splash main article

Rogues, Artificers, and Dark Hunters are always useful as they are the only ones to disable traps. In order to gain full ranks in Disable device all you need is one level in one of these classes and enough skill points. Also, the 1d6 Sneak Attack Bonus comes in handy for a damage dealer as-well-as evasion if you take a second level of rogue. If you chose to take a level of Artificer for you DD, the ability to use rune-arms to increase your damage is also fair. Dark Hunter provides two-weapon fighting at 2nd level.Useful builds are for example:

  • Rogue/Ranger or Bard - has enough skill points even with low intelligence
  • Rogue/Wizard - enough skill points due to intelligence being main stat for the Wizard
  • Rogue/Fighter - needs some intelligence (less if human) but benefits from Sneak Attacks; can be a very strong build for soloing; optional, you can cut down intelligence too and compensate with continuous levels as Rogue (every fourth/fifth)

One point of view may be, that the level of Rogue reduces the characters efficiency in his main class, but actually those all are improved Rogues who can disable traps without (bigger) cuts AND fight/cast.

Multiclass - DDO wiki (2024)


How does multiclassing work in DDO? ›

A multiclass character gets all the class feats of all his or her classes but must also suffer the consequences of the special restrictions of all his or her classes. In the special case of Turn Undead, both clerics and experienced paladins have the same ability.

Can you multiclass in D&D online? ›

One class is selected on character creation but any character may have up to three classes in total (multiclassing). There are currently 15 classes in DDO, with the most recent addition being the Alchemist.

What is the caster level of a Paladin in DDO? ›

Note that in PnP, a Paladin or Ranger has a caster level equal to class level divided by two (but zero until level four, since they cannot cast spells before that). DDO does not follow that reasoning, so Paladins and Rangers start at caster level 4 immediately once they gain any spells.

What is a multiclass DND? ›

When multiclassing, you are choosing to take beginning levels from another class instead of leveling up in your initial choice. If you're a level 5 Artificer, you might take 2 levels as a Wizard to expand your arcane knowledge. That would look like Artificer 5/Wizard 2 on your character sheet.

Is Multiclassing ever good? ›

While multiclassing is a great way to get something different for your character, it's not guaranteed to be something better than what you would get from a single class. That said, if you do multiclass you can find a great number of powerful new options to improve your character.

When can you start Multiclassing? ›

You must meet the ability score 13 prerequisite of All classes to multiclass. Often players will take 2 or 3 levels in one class to gain certain abilities; this is commonly referred to as taking a “Dip”.

What are the disadvantages of multiclassing in D&D? ›

Multiclassing now has some serious drawbacks:
  • As the max level is 20, every level you take in a different class permanently locks you out of the highest level features of the other class. ...
  • You will not progress with your spell levels as a single class caster would. ...
  • You will miss out on ASI/Feats.
Mar 1, 2023

What is the most powerful multiclass in DND? ›

12 Unusual & Powerful D&D Multiclass Combinations
  • 3 Samurai Fighter/Swashbuckler Rogue Is All About Advantage and Sneak Attacks. ...
  • 2 Forge Domain Cleric/Armorer Artificer Focuses Almost Exclusively on Item Enhancement. ...
  • 1 Path Of The Zealot Barbarian/Scout Rogue Is Centered On Frequent, Devastating Sneak Attacks.
Feb 28, 2024

What is the best class to multiclass? ›

Hexblade Warlock is the best multiclass dip out of any subclass in the game, and it's not even close. Not only does it top most surveys about best multiclass options, but it's also extremely powerful with a single-level dip.

What is the best race for a paladin DDO? ›

However the vast majority of Paladins in Eberron are Human. This is an important choice for players, as all races in DDO, are quite playable as Paladins, and each have their pluses and minuses. Yes, even Warforged, with their -2 Wisdom & -2 Charisma can make excellent Paladins.

What is the easiest mount in DDO? ›

The Reaper's Steed from the Night Revels is probably the easiest mount for a free-to-play account to obtain, although it is of course only available around late October and early November. It is however fairly likely that similar mounts will later be released for the Snowpeaks Festival and Anniversary Party events.

What is the best race for a wizard in DDO? ›

A wizard's main ability scores are Intelligence and Constitution. Choose your race either to boost these scores, or to gain access to good racial Enhancements. Warforged, Drow and Human are probably the best three races. Any wizard not planning to use a shroud of undeath should play a Warforged if possible.

What is the most broken multiclass in D&D? ›

The warlock and sorcerer are one of D&D 5e's most infamous multiclass combos. A build combining the two is often dubbed the "coffeelock." This build takes advantage of the warlock's ability to regain spell slots on a short rest and the D&D 5e sorcerer's ability to convert spell slots into sorcery points.

Do you get subclasses if you multiclass? ›

Yes, you get a subclass for each class

Keep in mind that you cannot choose multiple subclasses for the same class. You could, theoretically get 9 subclasses (assuming you meet the multiclassing requirements) with Cleric, Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, and any other 4.

How many times can I multiclass? ›

No limit. There's no hard limit on multiclassing -- other than the fact that anything beyond two or three synergistic base classes, you're generally going to be better off staying in a class for higher-level abilities rather than branching out yet again.

Is Multiboxing allowed in DDO? ›

The DDO launcher even has an option to "allow multiple instances" to facilitate boxing on the same computer. Devs of old have stated that "so long as the player is at the computer/keyboard controlling each character, it is fine".

How does multiclassing leveling work? ›

If you multiclass, you will have the same total level* as your single classed party members, just split between 2 (or more) classes. For example, when the party is level 5, you can be a Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 3.

How does leveling work in DDO? ›

DDO divides levels up into Ranks, 5 per level. Achieving sufficient XP for the next rank (but not next level) awards an Action Point. The XP bar at the bottom of the screen indicates how close you are to reaching the next rank or level. Every time the bar fills a rank is gained and a pip is filled.

How do you determine hit dice when Multiclassing? ›

How do hit dice work with multiclassing? In D&D 5e, when you multiclass, you track your hit dice separately for each class you've taken levels in. For example, if you have 5 levels in Ranger and 5 levels in Rogue, you will have 5d10 hit dice from your Ranger levels and 5d8 hit dice from your Rogue levels.

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