I Am Sorry Poems for Girlfriend: Apology Poems for Her (2024)

I Am Sorry Poems for Girlfriend: Apology Poems for Her (1)

Apology Poems for Wife: We are human, we are all imperfect, and we all make mistakes. Sometimes more often than we like, and sometimes in these mistakes we make, we hurt those we love. When an apology is in order for your girlfriend, it is important to make it count. So when you’ve made that mistake, and need to apologize to the one you love most, do it with words. Choose one of these poems and give to her your feelings, to show your remorse, your love, and your appreciation for the love that the two of you share.

I‘m sorry I did that, I wasn’t quite thinking,
I should’ve been able to see that you were sinking
When you were in need of me most, that’s when I failed,
I promise I’ll never leave to at sea to flail.

I’m sorry that I forgot
Your trouble and worries are not what I sought
I hope I can help you, I truly do,
I never meant to be mean towards you.
Can you ever forgive me?

What happened? I can’t believe I was ever so stupid.
I’m sorry that I acted like a baby like Cupid.
I might not be an angel from heaven
But I hope I can help you, 24/7
What can I change, what can I do?
Is there any way, I can make it up to you?

I am sorry for the wrong I caused. I am sorry for the thing that I did, I hope that you would forgive me so and take me back once more again.

I feel empty, and incomplete
Oh how I need you so.
I am so sorry for what I have done please give me another chance.
I am sorry for what I have done.
I miss you so.

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You are a princess in the castle of life.
You deserve a prince
Who can treat you like a queen
I was a pauper who treated you like a slave;
I am sorry for the thing I did,
So sorry for the way I treated you.
I love you so, and I am going to show it.
I am sorry, princess.

Hurting you is the last thing
I ever wanted to do
I know you’ve heard it a million times
From people who hurt you
and couldn’t care less
But darling I promise, I am a mess
I am gutted and pained that I’ve done this to you
I promise that it hurts me to hurt you
I never want you to feel any pain
So please darling forgive me
Give me a chance to love you again

I know that I made a mistake
I regret it, every minute of everyday. Hurting you is something I told myself I would never do. But here we stand, and it’s nobody’s fault but my own. So I won’t be surprised if you never forgive me. All I ask, is that love you believe me when I say I am truly and genuinely sorry that I hurt you. It feels my heart with hurt that you are in pain. I hope you find happiness, wherever you go my dear. I pray too, that it will be with me.

I know it seems pointless to tell you again
But I couldn’t say it enough if I tried
I am so terribly sorry that I hurt you the way that I did
I know you’re angry and hurt, and that came to you because of my actions
I never wanted to see you in pain
It is a mistake I will always regret
And I never want that to happen again
I promise that I am honest and true
When I say to you that I won’t hurt you again
I love you, and miss you.

All the flowers in all the world
Cannot convey how I feel
The chocolates and the wine
The diamonds and every other
Cannot express how sorry I am for
hurting you
I love you very much and I am sorry

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I am sorry for everything
I did not mean to hurt you
I will find a way to make it up to you
I could buy you everything in the
Until you forgive me
But this is my start

I know that I have hurt you
And for that I am very sorry
I never meant the hurtful things
I’ve said
If I could, I would give you the
whole world
Until then, I hope this apology will

I hate to hurt you girl but at times
hurting another person is inevitable.
I promise not to hurt you intentionally
again. I will always make you
smile and not make you cry.

” I am sorry” may sound like a cliche,
but I actually am. I am sorry for
all the harm I have caused you, all
the tears I have put on your face and
for everything.

I have been so sorry since I said
those hurtful words to you. I can
not say I did not know it was
wrong to have said so but I did
not mean to hurt you badly. I am
so sorry.

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You are what I know of love
You are my definition of a friend
You give my life it’s meaning
You’re my beginning and my end
You stand beside me always
In everything I do
I never thought in all my days
That I would every hurt you
Please forgive me

I know we were together
For many many years
I know that I treated you bad
I caused many of your tears
I wish that I could take it back
And make the wrong things right
But I can’t ever take back the past
Though I wish I could with all my might
Please forgive me

I’m sorry that I let you down
Turned your smiles into frowns
I’m sorry that I made you cry
I didn’t want to say goodbye
I wish you could lay in my arms
I wish I could keep you safe from harm
But all I can do at this time of night
Is say I’m sorry, you were right
Please forgive me

I realise I hurt you.
I can see that I was careless.
My actions were provoking.
My words were only jealous.
I’m sorry for me arrogance.
It wasn’t fair to judge.
Next time I will communicate
With compassion and with love.

I want to say I am sorry
for all those words I said.
I didn’t mean a single one.
They were only fears instead.
I know that you were only
trying to help me see
that you want to talk it out
and show your love for me.

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I should have stayed to listen
to what you needed to say
instead I was a bully
wanting to make you pay.
I have finally come to my senses
and everything is clear
So let’s sit down and discuss it –
my heart is ready to hear.

As soon as the words left my lips
I wanted to curl in a ball of shame.
How could I utter such things
unless I wanted to maim
the love we have?
I should never have said what I said
I am so sorry, please forgive me
I feel as though my heart is lead

The wind may apologize
to a crumpled leaf
as it tears it from the tree
but it does not reverse the damage done
as it falls to the ground.
I apologize to you
for tearing you down so;
I can’t reverse the damage done.
Let me make it up to you
so I’m sure your heart is won.

I never meant to hurt you,
and I hope you know that’s true,
but I know it’s no excuse
for what I’ve put you through.
I understand if you want to leave,
though I want you to believe –
I do not wish to deceive –
that I love you
and I am sorry that you grieve.

I hope you know how sorry I am
I didn’t ever mean to hurt you
I love you so much and I want to fix it
I’ll do whatever I have to
Your heart and mine
Are intertwined
Don’t ever forget
It’s me and you

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I want to take this time
To apologize to you
Because no matter what I say
And no matter what I do
I will always care, no matter my stupidity
I love you so much, I’ll let go of my dignity

I hope that one little fight
Won’t mean the end
Because you’re not just my girlfriend
You’re my very best friend
I love you, and I know you love me
So let’s not let this thing between us
Ruin what was meant to be

I may not get things right
In fact a lot of times I’m wrong
But I hope you can forgive me
Because I’ve loved you for so long
And even thinking that I’ve hurt you
Causes me so much great pain
Please know I’ll work to make things better
Because your anger’s not in vain

I never meant to make you hurt
Because I’d far much rather die
Than for a second even think
That my actions made you cry
I know that I’m not perfect
But I’ll work to fix my flaws
I’ll strive to be a better person
Because our love’s a noble cause

Things worth having are not easy
This I know to be quite true
But I won’t give up without a fight
To fix things now with you
So let’s take out our toolbox
Replace our anger now with care
Because this relationship is worth it
And something I’m ready to repair

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I’m sorry for all that I said
And all that I’ve done
I made a mistake and it was not fun
I did not mean to hurt you at all
You’re still my love and I’ll be there if you fall

I cannot eat and I cannot sleep
Knowing that I’ve hurt you and cut you so deep
My actions were wrong and I realize that now
I’m restless at night just thinking of how
How I could have been so foolish

I’m sorry to you for the things that I said
I can’t get any sleep without you in our bed
I know for good that I was wrong
This feels like something from a Ray LaMontage song
I’m sorry to you
Please forgive me, for all that I do

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I Am Sorry Poems for Girlfriend: Apology Poems for Her (2024)


How do I say sorry to my girlfriend after hurting her? ›

If you need to apologize to your girlfriend, say “I'm sorry,” and calmly explain what it is you did wrong. If she's still upset, don't get angry. Instead, ask her if you can call in a couple days, then give her some space so she can calm down.

How do you write a sorry poem? ›

Think of a situation like this from your own life. Have you ever been forced to apologize when you didn't really mean it? Come up with at least two examples of times like this from your own experience. For each of the examples, write a very short description of what you have done (the action).

How do I apologize for hurting her? ›

How to Apologize When You've Hurt Someone
  1. Listen closely before rushing to apologize. ...
  2. Prepare your apology in advance when possible. ...
  3. Be specific and detailed in your apology. ...
  4. Try not to turn your apology into a debate. ...
  5. Remember that actions speak louder than (apologetic) words. ...
  6. Be patient after you apologize.
Feb 12, 2021

What is a unique way to say sorry to your girlfriend? ›

Simple! Do a cute voice recording where you are apologizing and talking about how you understand the reason behind his/her anger. If you sing decently, you can also sing a song for your love. Tell him/her how much you are sorry and want to make it up.

What is the best apology message? ›

I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I'm sending you this apology message in a card to let you know that I love everything about you, for always, every single day. I want nothing more than for you to forgive me so that I can whisper in your ear how much I love you. The perfect couple love, laugh, fight and trust.

How do I apologize to a girl that broke her heart? ›

I'm sorry that all the memories we made are now tainted with sadness. I'm sorry that I didn't love you the way you deserved. I'm sorry that I couldn't really explain to you why we had to end. I'm sorry that I waited so long to tell you when I already knew it was over.

How do you say sorry without sorry? ›

Other ways to say sorry when a formal apology is required
  1. 01“I'd like to apologize unreservedly for my conduct. ...
  2. 02“As our client, you were let down by the firm. ...
  3. 03“Actions speak louder than words. ...
  4. 04“The treatment you got from me was reprehensible. ...
  5. 05“I spoke without thinking and wound up insulting you.
Jul 11, 2018

How do I make my cute apologize? ›


Simply, hold a placard or a simple card saying “I am sorry” and snap a picture of yourself. If you can, then decorate the card with some cute pictures of both of you or some other artwork. And then, upload this image on your partner's desktop, laptop or tablet and put it on sleep mode.

How do you say sorry in romantic? ›

My dearest darling, I am very sorry for the mistakes I have made. I accept that I was wrong. Please give me your big heart and forgive me. My sweet wife, I'm sorry for being rude and hurt you with my bad mouth.

What is the best apology gift to a girl? ›

Personalized apology gifts for girlfriend
  • Roses Bouquet. ...
  • “Forgive Me” Teddy Bear. ...
  • Cake with Sorry Message. ...
  • “To My Girlfriend” Blanket. ...
  • Funny Balloons. ...
  • 'Me Without You' Book. ...
  • Gold Dipped Rose. Gold dipped rose: romantic apology gift for her. ...
  • Apology Nifty Notes. Apology nifty note gift for girlfriend.
Mar 10, 2022

How do you say heart touching sorry? ›

Best Heart Touching Apology Message To My Love
  1. Hi darling, I am so sorry that I hurt you. ...
  2. I am so sorry I hurt you. ...
  3. I am so sorry I let you down. ...
  4. I know I've been terrible and that I've let you down, but I just want to come back with you and show you that I can be good for you. ...
  5. Hi sweetie!

What can I say to my girlfriend to make her forgive me? ›

Things to say to get your girlfriend to forgive you
  • Sorry for hurting you. ...
  • I promise it won't happen again. ...
  • I take responsibility for my actions. ...
  • I promise that I will change. ...
  • You mean so much to me. ...
  • Give me a second chance. ...
  • I cannot live without you. ...
  • I regret everything I have done.
Jan 14, 2022

How do you make a girl forgive you? ›

Featured Articles
  1. Express your regret. ...
  2. Explain what went wrong. ...
  3. Take responsibility. ...
  4. Say you'll repent—and actually do it. ...
  5. Tell her you'll fix things. ...
  6. Ask for forgiveness.

How do I apologize to my girlfriend to get her back? ›

How to Apologize to Your Girlfriend
  1. Understand why she's upset. Knowing how to apologize to your girlfriend starts with knowing why you're apologizing. ...
  2. Do it in person. ...
  3. Make sure to actually say sorry. ...
  4. Acknowledge her feelings. ...
  5. Have answers to her questions. ...
  6. Ask her to forgive you.
Jul 21, 2018

What to say when you hurt the one you love? ›

Encourage them to talk by saying, “I want to hear what you have to say.” Reflect and validate your loved one's emotions by saying, “I can understand why you would feel hurt.” Ask clarifying questions to make sure that you truly understand: “You're saying that you felt angry.

How do you say sorry without blame? ›

I'm sorry that you had to make this call today.” “I'm sorry for any frustration you may have experienced.” “I'm sorry for any inconvenience this misunderstanding may have caused you.” “I'm sorry this happened to you.”

What are 10 ways to say sorry? ›

So, apologies is a very short, very quick way to say I'm sorry for something.
So, let's go!
  1. I'm sorry! ...
  2. Sorry about that. ...
  3. I'm sorry to hear… ...
  4. I apologize. ...
  5. I'm terribly sorry about… ...
  6. Oops. ...
  7. Deepest apologies for… ...
  8. My condolences.

What is a meaningful apology? ›

To make your apology meaningful you should: Accept that you have done something wrong. This means identifying what went wrong. Your apology must describe the offending action or behaviour, whether or not it was intentional. Your description must be specific to show that you understand the offence you have caused.

What makes a good apology? ›

Participants rated apologies for a trust violation as more effective when they contained a greater number of the following elements: an acknowledgment of responsibility, an explanation of what went wrong, an expression of regret, an offer of repair, a declaration of repentance, and a request for forgiveness.

What do I do if I hurt my girlfriend's feelings? ›

Tell her that you understand why she's upset - validate her feelings - and tell her you're sorry and it will never happen again. Give her some space and let her decide how she wants to proceed. If she doesn't want to get back together, accept it and leave her alone.

How do I make my girlfriend happy after a fight? ›

5 ways to make up with your girlfriend after a huge fight
  1. Talk to her patiently about the cause of the fight. ...
  2. Say sorry and show your love for her. ...
  3. Show her that the relationship is more important than the fight. ...
  4. Give her a gift or do something for her. ...
  5. And of course, make up sex.
Jun 22, 2017

How do you gain a girl's trust back? ›

7 Steps to Rebuilding Trust in Your Relationship
  1. Own Up to Your Role. ...
  2. Make an Apology Plan. ...
  3. Ask for a Good Time to Talk. ...
  4. Accept Responsibility. ...
  5. Actively Listen. ...
  6. Back Up Your Words with Actions. ...
  7. Be Patient.
Feb 8, 2018

How do you express hurt feelings in words? ›

Dear human being, I want to write to you so I can let you know that you have let me down. I could write the words over and over again, but I realize it changes nothing. I could scream it at the top of my lungs and let the world know how you have hurt me, but the past will not hear me or pay me any mind.

How do I apologize to my girlfriend to get her back? ›

How to Apologize to Your Girlfriend
  1. Understand why she's upset. Knowing how to apologize to your girlfriend starts with knowing why you're apologizing. ...
  2. Do it in person. ...
  3. Make sure to actually say sorry. ...
  4. Acknowledge her feelings. ...
  5. Have answers to her questions. ...
  6. Ask her to forgive you.
Jul 21, 2018

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.