Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (2024)

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Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (1)

Hebrew Grammar is pretty easy.

Hi there,

Either you started learning or want to learn Hebrew. And, you want to brush up Hebrew Grammar basics. So, this friendly Hebrew Grammar Rules is a quick little introduction for you.

Note: If you’re looking for Biblical Hebrew grammar, see this article. This introduction-level lesson focuses on Modern Hebrew grammar rules.

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (2)

1. Hebrew Right to Left Reading Direction

The first thing that you notice when starting to learn Hebrew is its reading and writing direction. Unlike English and most other languages of the world, Hebrew is read and written in the direction from right to left.

Yes, you just have to get used to it at first.

But, after taking your first few Hebrew lessons, everything will become more natural for you.

There is nothing to it except practice, practice, practice.

2. Pronouns

There are 10 personal pronouns in Hebrew, while there are 8 in English:

One thing that might be confusing is that there are two different variations for the Hebrew pronouns “You”(plural and singular) and “They”.















You (masculine)



You (m)



You (feminine)



You (f)






They (m)






They (f)

3. Gender in Hebrew

Unlike English, each Hebrew word is either Masculine or Feminine.

How do you know which is which?

There are some simple rules to help you easily distinguish them.

  • Most feminine words end with “ה” (“h”) or “ת”(“t”):
  • משפחה (“mishpah’a”) – family
  • מכונית (“meh’onit”) – car
  • רשימה (“reshima”) – list
  • אמת (“emet”) – truth

There are also a number of irregular words that do not fall under any rule.

So, you have to memorize them.

Here are some of the most commonly used masculine word.

  • They end with letters other than “ה” or “ת”:
  • ארץ (“eretz”) – country
  • אמא (“ima”) – mother
  • דרך (“dereh’ ”) – road

4. The Hebrew verbs

Hebrew verbs are usually based on a three letter root (in Hebrew שורש – “shoresh”).

The rest of the verb is then built on it. These roots can be also the root of some nouns and adjectives.

Here is an example:

  • Root: ש-פ-ט (“sh – f/p – t”); י-ד-ע (“y-d-a”)

Here are some words that can be built using the mentioned above roots:

  • לשפוט – to judge (“lishpot”) V.
  • לדעת – to know something (“ladaat”) V.
  • שופט – judge (“shofet”) N.
  • ידע – knowledge (“ye-da”) N.

The Hebrew verb has only three main tenses:

  • The Past (עבר“avar”)
  • The Present (הווה“hove”)
  • The Future (עתיד“atid”)

Let’s take a look at an example of a verb (masculine, singular) inflected in all the three tenses:

Root: ש-ח-ק (“s-h’-k”)

Hebrew Past Tense

Hebrew Present Tense

Hebrew Future Tense

הוא שיחק (“hu sih’ek”)

הוא משחק (“hu mesah’ek”)

הוא ישחק (“hu yesah’ek”)

He played

He is playing

He will play

The verb can be inflected depending on who does the action. For example:

  • אני משחק (“ani mesah’ek”) – I am playing
  • אתה משחק (“ata mesah’ek”) – You (m) are playing
  • את משחקת (“at mesah’eket”) – You (f) are playing
  • הוא משחק (“hun mesah’ek”) – He is playing
  • היא משחקת (“hi mesah’eket”) – She is playing
  • אנחנו משחקים (“anah’nu mesah’kim”) – We are playing
  • אתם משחקים (“atem mesah’kim”) – You (plural, m) are playing
  • אתן משחקות (“aten mesah’kot”) – You (plural, f) are playing
  • הם משחקים (“hem mesah’kim”) – They (plural, m) are playing
  • הן משחקות (“hen mesah’kot”) – They (plural, f) are playing

5. The Hebrew Adjective

The Hebrew adjective is conjugated based on the gender and number of the item/s it describes.

Let’s have a look at these examples:

  • משפחה גדולה (mishpah’a gdola) – a big family
  • שולחן גדול (“shulh’an gadokl”) – a big table
  • ילדה טובה (“yalda tova”) – a good girl
  • ילד טוב (“yeled tov”) – a good boy

6. Sentence Structure

Hebrew sentences are usually constructed like in English: Subject – Verb – Object.

Hebrew verbs are conjugated by gender, number and person.

  • אני מדברת אנגלית (“ani medaberet anglit”) – I (female) speak English.
  • אנחנו מבקרים חברים (“anah’nu mevakrim h’averim”) – We are visiting friends.
  • 7. Conjunctions

When learning a new language, it is always good to know some of the most commonly used conjugations. That way, it ill be easier for you to build up your own sentences and combine simple sentences into larger texts and even paragraphs.

* Note: unlike English, some of the Hebrew conjugations are not written separately from the word that stands right after them. See the description below to discover which ones of them are written independently and which are not:


  • Hebrew: ו…
  • Pronounced: ve… / u…


  • אסף ותומר עושים שיעורים
  • Asaf vetomer osim shiurim
  • Asaf and Tomer are doing homework


  • Hebrew: או
  • Pronounced: o


  • מה אני צריך לקנות – לחם או חלב?
  • Ma ani tzarih’ liknot – leh’em o h’alav?
  • What do I (male) have to buy – bread or mild?

But / However

  • Hebrew: אבל
  • Pronounced: aval


  • אני יכולה לעשות את זה אבל אין לי זמן עכשיו
  • Ani yeh’ola laasot et ze aval ein li zman ah’shav
  • I can do it, but I do not have time at the moment.

8. Hebrew Grammar Imperative Tense

Just like English, the Hebrew language also hasthe imperative tense.

What’s the imperative tense? It’s when you give a comment or request.

But, unlike English, it is formed in a slightly different way.

For that purpose we use second person singular or plural in most cases.

We add “אל” (“all” – don’t) to negate.

Let’s have a look at the following examples to get a better understanding of how the Hebrew imperative tense is:






Sit down! (to a male)

אל תזוזי

al tazuzi

Don’t move! (to a female)

פתח את החלון

ptah’ et hah’alon

Open the window (to a male)

לכו הביתה, בבקשה

leh’u habayta, bevakasha

Go home, please

9. Free Hebrew Grammar Lessons & Grammar Courses

Now, I hear you.

It’s one thing to read about Hebrew grammar rules in some article.

It’s another thing to truly learn them. So, of course, you want complete resources, not internet articles.

What do I suggest? Grammar books, courses/apps and hebrew grammar charts.

For books, definitely check out the cheapest ones on Amazon (click here).

With books, you’ll find all of the Hebrew grammar exercises you will need.

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (3)

What I also recommend are Hebrew grammar charts. Yes, the kind you can stick on your wall. Why? Because grammar is something that you review and come back to day after day. No-one honestly studies grammar for 3 hours a day.

Smart people review it for a few minutes today, then tomorrow, then the day after and so on. So, having a Hebrew grammar chart up on your wall can and will help you master Hebrew grammar rules. You can find plenty of these grammar charts on Amazon. Click here.

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (4)

Finally you can try Hebrew Grammar Courses.

For that, I recommend an online learning program called

It’s an audio/video based online Hebrew course that you can take at your pace.

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (5)

And you can choose from all kinds of audio/video lessons: grammar, culture, conversation, reading, writing and much more. They should have over 500+ lessons across all levels, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced.

So, you’re bound to find some Hebrew grammar excercises inside!

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (6)

Lessons are usually 3 to 15 minutes long. Not that long, actually. All so you can quickly learn a bit of Hebrew grammar and see or hear it in action. If you’re looking for handy Hebrew grammar charts, you should be able to get a few like this one on Amazon.

Click here to visit HebrewPod101 and get your free lifetime account

10. Question words in Hebrew

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (7)

When it comes to learning Hebrew grammar, it’s helpful to know the basic question words. In Hebrew, you call them “מילות שאלה” (milot Sheela).

Let’s have a look:










איפה? / היכן?

Eifo? / Heih’an?





למה? / מדוע?

Lama? / Madua?




Which? (male)



Which? (female)



Which? (plural)

איך? / כיצד?

Eih’? / Keitzad?




How many/much?


  • “Where,” or “היכן?(Heih’an?),” is a more official and literary variant of “איפה?” (Eifo?)
  • “Why, or “מדוע?” (Madua?) is a more official and literary variant of “למה?” (Lama?)
  • And “How” or “כיצד?” (Keitzad?) is a more official and literary variant of “איך?” (Eih’?)

All these official and common variations basically have the same meaning. But, the occasions when you can use them are slightly different. It won’t be a mistake if you use the official question words in everyday speech.


1. מי רוצה גלידה?

  • Phonetics: Mi rotze glida?
  • English: Who want’s some ice-cream?

2. למה החלון פתוח?

  • Phonetics: Lama hah’alon patuah’?
  • English: Why is the window open?

3. לאיפה אתם הולכים?

  • Phonetics: Leeifo atem holh’im?
  • English: Where are you (plural) going?

11. The degrees of comparison

After you learn how to describe things in Hebrew, like something is far, beautiful, shiny, big or small, you also want to learn how to compare those things. You want to be able to say that something is “the most” or “the least.”

Here’s how we do it in Hebrew:

  • When something is less… than something:
    • פחות
    • Phonetics: Pah’ot
    • Example: הוא פחות נחמד ממנו
    • Phonetics: Hu pah’ot neh’mad mimeno
    • English: He is less friendly than him.
  • When something is more… than something:
    • יותר
    • Phonetics: Yoter
    • Example: הוא יותר גבוה ממנו
    • Phonetics: Hu yoter gavoha mimeno
    • English: He is higher than him.
  • When something is the least…:
    • הכי פחות
    • Phonetics: Hah’I pah’ot
    • Example: זה האוכל הכי פחות אהוב עלי
    • Phonetics: Ze haoh’el hah’I pah’ot ahuv alai.
    • English: This is my least favorite food.
  • When something is the most…
    • הכי / ביותר

    • Both words have the same meaning and are completely interchangeable. See the examples below and pay attention to the word order in both examples!

    • Phonetics: Hah’I / beyoter

    • Example: הר האוורסט הוא ההר הכי גבוה בעולם (Or הר האוורסט הוא ההר בגבוה ביותר בעולם)

    • Phonetics: Har haeverest hu hahar hah’I gavoh’a baolam (Or Har haeverst hu hahar hagavoha beyoter baolam)

    • English: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

12. The Particle “את

Patricle “את is a tricky one because we don’t have an equivalent in the English language.

This Hebrew particle is used to link between the subject and the direct object.

We may somehow compare it to the use of the English indefinite article “a” and indefinite “the”. See the examples below:

Without particle “את

With particle “את


שרה אכלה תפוח.

שרה אכלה את התפוח.


Sara ah’la tapuah’.

Sara ah’la et hatapuah’.


Sarah ate an apple.

Sarah ate the apple.


Here the important information is Sarah and that she ate something.

Here the apple is certain apple and the apple is the most important information in the sentence. Unlike the previous case here Sarah ate a specific apple (in some context).

13. The Letter “ש” (shin)

This is a very interesting letter. In most cases, it is pronounced like “sh”, but in very few cases it is pronounced like “s”. All you have to do is to memorize the particular cases when it sounds like “s”. Here are a few examples:

  • שלוםshalom – Hello
  • שמשshemesh – Sun
  • שמחהsimh’a – Joy / Happiness
  • ששוןsason – Delight
  • שדהsade – Field

14. The Hebrew infinitive

When you know a “shoresh” (the basic form of a Hebrew verb) and want to put it in its infinitive form, all you have to know is the infinitive pattern.

The pattern is:

  • לי_ _ו_
  • (Li_ _o_)








To throw




To lough




To keep

There are also some exceptions that fall under another pattern:

  • ל_ _ו_
  • (L_ _o_)








To do




To return

15. The “double” form of the word

This next Hebrew grammar rule is unique to the Hebrew language.

Whenever you want to create a double form of something, use the suffix “-ayim”. It can be used to form numbers, time indicators and to name the parts of our bodies.

Look at the examples below:

Singular form



“Double” form





One thousand



Two thousands






Two days






Two month






Two hands






Two eyes






Two hours



Time (in the meaning of one time)



Two times


You can’t use this suffix to form a “double” variant of each and every word; you will just have to memorize these ones.

And that’s it!

Now, you should have a bit of an understand of Hebrew grammar rules.Yes, you cannot learn it all in a day. That’s why you need resources and to practice a little bit. Even 5 minutes a day works.

Grammar is just one of those things you need to “learn once” and “use many times” to master it.

Interested in more Hebrew lessons and resources?

  • How to Learn Hebrew in 5 Minutes a Day (STUDY TOOLS inside)
  • How to Learn Hebrew: The NICE, Ultimate Guide for Beginners
  • Hebrew Learning Program – HebrewPod101 Review

– The Main Junkie

P.S. Want to learn and speak Hebrew?I suggest HebrewPod101 because they have 500+ audio/video lessons made by real teachers. You can take these easy, 3-15 minute lessons on your phone, tablet or computer. If you’re ready to start speaking Hebrew, check their learning program out.

Click here to visit HebrewPod101 and get your free lifetime account

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (8)

Helpful Guide to Hebrew Grammar Rules for Beginners (2024)


How can a beginner learn Hebrew? ›

Number one create a study schedule and set some goals. Many language learners are unorganized.

Is Hebrew grammar easy? ›

Is Hebrew Grammar Easy to Understand? Hebrew grammar is definitely going to be more challenging than say Spanish or French grammar, but most would say it's easier than Arabic grammar. For instance in Arabic there are three cases which you need to keep track of when forming sentences.

How does Hebrew grammar work? ›

Word order in Modern Hebrew is somewhat similar to that in English: as opposed to Biblical Hebrew, where the word order is Verb-Subject-Object, the usual word order in Modern Hebrew is Subject-Verb-Object. Thus, if there is no case marking, one can resort to the word order.

What is the best way to learn the Hebrew language? ›

The best way to learn Hebrew: movies, TV and radio can be great tools for learning new words and practicing your Hebrew. Two of the best ways to learn new languages are also the most fun: listening to Hebrew songs and watching Hebrew-speaking movies and TV shows.

Can you learn Hebrew by yourself? ›

If you want to teach yourself Hebrew, you'll want some learning material. Just make sure you choose the material you like and can actually stick with. Remember, you need to enjoy the process of learning too. Don't fantasize of just fluency, fantasize about practicing and learning.

How long does it take to learn Hebrew fluently? ›

They have ranked Hebrew as a Category III language, meaning it has significant linguistic and/or cultural differences from English. Languages in this category are estimated to require 44 weeks (or 1100 hours) in order to reach “General Professional Proficiency” in speaking and reading.

What is the hardest part of learning Hebrew? ›

Reading from Right to Left. Not only must you master the alphabet and learn complex conjugations, but you'll also have to remember to read from right to left. This adjustment is perhaps the smallest obstacle to clear when learning Hebrew, but is certainly not instinctive for most new learners.

What makes Hebrew difficult? ›

Pronunciation. Understanding and perfecting Hebrew's intonation depends on your mother tongue. Native English speakers might find the distinctively gruff “r” sound a bit challenging to learn. Some discrete sounds can overlay and end up confusing an unacquainted mind and making learning more complex.

Is Arabic or Hebrew easier? ›

Another difference is that Arabic orthography – meaning the shape of the letters and the use of diacritical marks – is more complex than that of Hebrew, making it harder to read.

How are Hebrew sentences structured? ›

In verbal sentences (that is, sentences with a verb), the structure of the sentence in Biblical Hebrew is: (1) the Verb, in first position; (2) the subject, in second position; (3) the object, in third position. Other grammatical elements such as Adverb, prepositional phrases, discourse Particle, etc.

Is Hebrew SOV or SVO? ›

Verb–subject–object word order
Word orderEnglish equivalentExample languages
VSO"Loves she him."Biblical Hebrew, Classical Arabic, Irish, Te Reo Māori, Filipino, Tuareg-Berber, Welsh
VOS"Loves him she."Malagasy, Baure, Car
OVS"Him loves she."Apalaí, Hixkaryana
OSV"Him she loves."Warao
2 more rows

How do you know if a Hebrew word is feminine or masculine? ›

Telling the difference is quite easy. The basic rule is: Most feminine nouns end in either the letter ת or the letter ה. Most masculine nouns end in every other letter.

Is Hebrew or Yiddish easier to learn? ›

Standard Yiddish is written phonetically for the most part, and is a lot easier to decipher than Hebrew. Modern Hebrew has no vowels in its everyday usage, so you have to memorize pronunciation of the word a lot more than with Yiddish.

What does Boker Tov mean in Hebrew? ›

Good morning…..Boker tov. Good evening…..Erev tov. See you soon…..L'hitra'ot.

Should I use Duolingo to learn Hebrew? ›

The world's most popular way to learn Hebrew online

Whether you're a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work.

What was the first language Jesus spoke? ›

Most religious scholars and historians agree with Pope Francis that the historical Jesus principally spoke a Galilean dialect of Aramaic. Through trade, invasions and conquest, the Aramaic language had spread far afield by the 7th century B.C., and would become the lingua franca in much of the Middle East.

Is Hebrew useful to learn? ›

Hebrew is also a desirable language to know for those pursuing a career in government and in areas such as diplomacy, intelligence, and the military.

How can I learn Hebrew for free? ›

Free Online Hebrew Courses, Systems and Tools
  1. Glossika is an audio language course and the first 1,000 repetitions are free. ...
  2. Pealim is a free Hebrew verb conjugator and reference site.
  3. Goethe Verlag has 100 free lessons for Hebrew language learners.

What is the easiest language to learn? ›

15 of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers -...
  • Frisian. Frisian is thought to be one of the languages most closely related to English, and therefore also the easiest for English-speakers to pick up. ...
  • Dutch. ...
  • Norwegian. ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • Italian. ...
  • French. ...
  • Swedish.
24 Oct 2021

What languages are hardest to learn? ›

Generally, if you're an English speaker with no exposure to other languages, here are some of the most challenging and difficult languages to learn:
  • Mandarin Chinese.
  • Arabic.
  • Vietnamese.
  • Finnish.
  • Japanese.
  • Korean.

Will learning modern Hebrew help with biblical Hebrew? ›

There is absolutely no need to learn Modern Hebrew in order to learn Biblical Hebrew, and vice versa, as there are separate study materials for each. But if you are equally interested in learning both, then I would start with learning the basics of Modern and then start adding Biblical into your studies.

Why is Hebrew written from right to left? ›

Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi and other ancient languages have a common denominator: they are languages written from right to left. It is said that right-to-left scripts can be indicative of how ancient the language is because of the medium of writing that was used to carve these languages in stone.

What is the difference between biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew? ›

Biblical Hebrew was the language used in the ancient world, about three thousand years ago. It was spoken in the land of Israel in biblical times. Modern Hebrew is the language used in Israel nowadays. As the world changes, also the languages evolve.

Is Hebrew or Arabic harder? ›

Arabic varies by region, but in general, it's harder. Hebrew used to have guttural pronunciation, but it was simplified when Hebrew was revived. Spoken Arabic is very distinct from written Arabic, whereas spoken and written Hebrew are very similar.

How do you read Hebrews without vowels? ›

Learning to read Hebrew without vowels? (FAQ-13) - YouTube

What is Yiddish vs Hebrew? ›

Hebrew is a Semitic language (a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic languages, languages spoken across the Middle East), while Yiddish is a German dialect which integrates many languages, including German, Hebrew, Aramaic, and various Slavic and Romance languages.

Did Adam and Eve speak a language? ›

The Adamic language, according to Jewish tradition (as recorded in the midrashim) and some Christians, is the language spoken by Adam (and possibly Eve) in the Garden of Eden.

What is the closest language to Hebrew? ›

after Arabic Assyrian Maltese and Aramaic, what is the closest language to Hebrew. if we are talking biblical then it's punic/Phoenician who is also a Canaanite language.

Can Arabs understand Hebrew? ›

The structures, pronunciations and words resemble one another. However, they are separate languages. A native Hebrew speaker typically will not easily understand a native Arabic speaker without learning the language structure and vocabulary, and vice versa.

How many words are in the Hebrew language? ›

In Biblical Hebrew, there were approximately 7,000 words. Modern Hebrew has approximately 33,000 words.

How many prepositions are there in Hebrew? ›

Biblical Hebrew has four main prepositions: the prefix בְּ (in, at, by); the prefix לְ (to, for); the prefix כְּ (as, like); and the prefix מִ (which is a shortened form of the independent preposition מִן, meaning “from”).

Is Hebrew sentence structure the same as English? ›

Whereas the word order in Biblical Hebrew has verbs coming before both the subject and predicate, modern Hebrew usually follows the same basic sentence structure as English, where the predicate is a verb: Subject-Predicate.

Does Hebrew have grammatical cases? ›

But are these acceptable terms to use in describing Hebrew grammar? Unlike Greek-which has easily discernible case endings to distinguish between accusatives and genitives, etc. -biblical Hebrew lacks case endings.

Is VSO a Hebrew? ›

Biblical Hebrew was originally verb–subject–object (VSO), but drifted into SVO.

How do you write OSV? ›

In most sentences, a speaker of an OSV language will put the object first, the subject second, and the verb last. So while an English speaker would say "Mary likes corn," an OSV language would express the same idea with the equivalent of "Corn Mary likes."

What is the most common word order? ›

Subject-Object-Verb (SOV)

In SOV, the verb appears at the end of the sentence, and the subject is first. It's also the most common word order in the world, and it's used across the continents. A few languages that use SOV are Ainu, Basque, Cherokee, Korean, Persian, Tibetan and Turkish, among many others.

What is a common noun in Hebrew? ›

Article. A common noun is any noun that is not a proper name. Common noun change their form according to gender (either masculine or feminine) number (singular, dual, or plural), and state (either absolute or construct).

Is there a future tense in the Hebrew language? ›

The Hebrew Future Tense. In Hebrew, the future tense is used for any planned or projected action or state. There are no progressive or perfect future forms in Hebrew, so these are expressed using context and time cues.

How do you conjugate verbs in Hebrew? ›

Learn Hebrew Verbs Lesson #1 - Paal Present Tense - Regular - YouTube

How do you say hi in Yiddish? ›

Just Say Nu Yiddish Lesson 2: "Hello" - YouTube

What are three common Yiddish words? ›

Whether you're a goy or a bar mitzvahed boy, keep reading to discover some of the best Yiddish words and phrases.
  • Bubbe. Pronounced "buh-bee," this Yiddish word is used to address your grandmother.
  • Bupkis. The word bupkis means nothing. ...
  • Chutzpah. ...
  • Goy. ...
  • Keppie. ...
  • Klutz. ...
  • Kvell. ...
  • Kvetch.
18 Apr 2019

Do you read from right to left in Yiddish? ›

Yiddish is written in the Hebrew alphabet, and it is read from right to left. In a sense, it is easier to learn to read than both Hebrew and English because it is written totally phonetically, the vowels are almost always spelled the same.

What does Yalla mean in Hebrew? ›

Yalla- יאללה

Literal translation: let's go or ok, cool. Yalla can be used as a way to say c'mon, you got this, let's go, or if you're ever trying to get rid of someone: Yalla, bye.

What does La Heim mean? ›

L'chaim! This Hebrew word meaning "to life" is oft-heard when toasting health and happiness. Sold in a set of two, these L'chaim Wine Glasses by...

What does Kol Tuv mean? ›

interj. "All the best" (JPS), a closing or farewell.

What is the fastest way to learn Hebrew? ›

13 Effective Ways to Learn Hebrew Faster - YouTube

Can you learn Hebrew by yourself? ›

If you want to teach yourself Hebrew, you'll want some learning material. Just make sure you choose the material you like and can actually stick with. Remember, you need to enjoy the process of learning too. Don't fantasize of just fluency, fantasize about practicing and learning.

Is Duolingo good for Hebrew? ›

The world's most popular way to learn Hebrew online

Whether you're a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work.

How can I learn Hebrew for free? ›

Free Online Hebrew Courses, Systems and Tools

Glossika is an audio language course and the first 1,000 repetitions are free. It uses spaced-repetition to help you learn useful Hebrew phrases. Pealim is a free Hebrew verb conjugator and reference site. Goethe Verlag has 100 free lessons for Hebrew language learners.

Is Hebrew worth learning? ›

It is the primary language of over five million people and it is spoken by over nine million people worldwide. Prior to its revitalization, Hebrew served as a connector of communities around the world and thus powerfully exemplifies the capacity of language to unite people across time and space.

Is Hebrew or Yiddish easier to learn? ›

Standard Yiddish is written phonetically for the most part, and is a lot easier to decipher than Hebrew. Modern Hebrew has no vowels in its everyday usage, so you have to memorize pronunciation of the word a lot more than with Yiddish.

What is the closest language to Hebrew? ›

after Arabic Assyrian Maltese and Aramaic, what is the closest language to Hebrew. if we are talking biblical then it's punic/Phoenician who is also a Canaanite language.

What language did Adam & Eve speak? ›

The Adamic language, according to Jewish tradition (as recorded in the midrashim) and some Christians, is the language spoken by Adam (and possibly Eve) in the Garden of Eden.

What does Boker Tov mean in Hebrew? ›

Good morning…..Boker tov. Good evening…..Erev tov. See you soon…..L'hitra'ot.

What is your name Hebrew? ›

To ask “What is your name?” in Hebrew, we say מַה שִּׁמְךָ?

Is Hebrew difficult to learn? ›

Is Hebrew Really Hard? Hebrew isn't tough to learn; it's just a bit different from widely spoken European and Asian languages. For example, in Hebrew, a copula is often omitted, such as “he tall” instead of saying “he is tall.”

Do Jews speak Hebrew? ›

Yiddish was the language spoken by the largest number of Jews in the 1850s, but today the three most commonly spoken languages among Jews are English, modern Hebrew, and Russian—in that order.

What language did the Jesus speak? ›

Most religious scholars and historians agree with Pope Francis that the historical Jesus principally spoke a Galilean dialect of Aramaic. Through trade, invasions and conquest, the Aramaic language had spread far afield by the 7th century B.C., and would become the lingua franca in much of the Middle East.

Why is Hebrew written from right to left? ›

Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi and other ancient languages have a common denominator: they are languages written from right to left. It is said that right-to-left scripts can be indicative of how ancient the language is because of the medium of writing that was used to carve these languages in stone.

Is Arabic or Hebrew easier? ›

Another difference is that Arabic orthography – meaning the shape of the letters and the use of diacritical marks – is more complex than that of Hebrew, making it harder to read.

How do you say hi in Yiddish? ›

Just Say Nu Yiddish Lesson 2: "Hello" - YouTube

What are three common Yiddish words? ›

Whether you're a goy or a bar mitzvahed boy, keep reading to discover some of the best Yiddish words and phrases.
  • Bubbe. Pronounced "buh-bee," this Yiddish word is used to address your grandmother.
  • Bupkis. The word bupkis means nothing. ...
  • Chutzpah. ...
  • Goy. ...
  • Keppie. ...
  • Klutz. ...
  • Kvell. ...
  • Kvetch.
18 Apr 2019

Can Arabs understand Hebrew? ›

The structures, pronunciations and words resemble one another. However, they are separate languages. A native Hebrew speaker typically will not easily understand a native Arabic speaker without learning the language structure and vocabulary, and vice versa.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.