4 Types Of Borderline Mother : Witch, Hermit, Waif And Queen. (2024)

“The Queen is controlling, the Witch is sad*stic, the Hermit is fearful, and the Waif is helpless”.

Christine Ann Lawson, Understanding the Borderline Mother

For those of us who grew up with mothers who suffered from a borderline personality disorder (BPD), our childhoods were often painful and anguished. We found ourselves living in a world that was contradictory and confusing; it is likely that we suffered chronic anxiety as we did not know how our mother would react or behave from one moment to the next.

Due to our mother’s instability, it is likely that we started off life with an insecure emotional attachment to her, and, throughout our childhood, it is likely that the mother with borderline personality disorder was inconsistent, unpredictable (expressing affection one minutebut ragethe next),inappropriately intense and emotionally controlling. She may, too, have been deeply verbally hostile, expressing hatred and issuing threats. We may have often been told we were not wanted and that she might well abandon us.Itmay well have feltlike living in an emotional prison.

Effects Of Borderline Mothers On Their Children

The effects of mothers with borderline personality disorder on their offspring can be quite devastating; we can grow up feeling fragmented, confused and, later, develop symptoms of psychological ill-health ourselves, such as impulsiveness, being full of rage and hostility, being sometimes prone to violence, depression and deep anxiety. We may become in danger of tipping over into psychosis under stress (particularly in response to rejection and abandonment).

We may, too, develop addictions as short term coping mechanisms to deal with our psychological pain. In short, we become at risk of developing borderline personality disorder ourselves.

Borderline personality disorder is diagnosed in women twice as frequently as in men. It has been hypothesized that this could be due to the fact that men with BPD are much more likely to be misdiagnosed as having an anti-social personality disorder and end up in the prison system (which is often clearly likely to make their condition even worse).

The Child’s Experience Of Having A Borderline Mother

It is estimatedthat, in the USA, about 6 million people are suffering from BPD, which, in turn, must mean that there are also millions of children living with mothers who have BPD. Below are some of the most common things people who have been broughtup with mothers with BPD say about them :

  • she is completely unpredictable
  • she denies what has happened
  • she sees everything in extreme terms (also called ‘black and white’ or ‘all or nothing’ thinking)
  • I sometimes find myself hating her
  • I am not able to trust her
  • she’s always exploding into rage
  • she imposes her negative view of the world onto me
  • she drives me insane
  • she makes me feel terrible about myself

All individuals who have a borderline personality disorder (BPD), including the borderline mother, experience its core symptoms; these are:

  • fear
  • helplessness
  • emptiness
  • anger

However, one of these symptoms may PREDOMINATE and thus shape a particular BPD sufferer’s character. Concerning this idea, James Masterson (1988) classified borderline mothers into four sub-groups; these are:

  • Waif mother.
  • Hermit mother.
  • Queen mother.
  • Witch mother.

Let’s look at each of these BPD mother types in turn:


  • Personalitytraits include helplessness, hopelessness, proneness to deep despair, extremely low self-esteem, very high sensitivity, having a ‘victim mentality, passivity and vulnerability.
  • Sees themself as a failure.
  • May treat her children alternately indulgently and negligently.
  • She may have intense underlying feelings of rage which may particularly likely erupt in response to abandonment (either real or imagined).


A) they may come to see themselves as failures for not being able to make her happy

B) they may internalise her despairing view of the world and become despairing themselves

C) they may become ENMESHED in their relationship with her and therefore find it difficult to separate from it.


  • Sees the world as dangerous and people in general as self-serving and callous.
  • Always expecting disaster to strike and seeing signs of imminent calamity everywhere.
  • Has a deep sense of inner shame which she projects onto others.
  • May have a tough exterior and a superficial image of being confident, determined and independent. However, beneath this façade, she tends to be distrustful, insecure and prone to rage and paranoia.
  • Gains self-esteem from work or hobbies.


They may internalise the mother’s fear of the world in general and therefore become anxious if they need to adapt to new situations: they may find it very difficult to learn appropriate coping skills concerning a large variety of life’s problems; they may find it difficult to trust other.

4 Types Of Borderline Mother : Witch, Hermit, Waif And Queen. (1)


Always craves attention; uses her children to fulfill her own needs; cannot tolerate disagreement or criticism from her children as she sees this as evidence that they do not love and respect her; chronic feelings of emptiness;inability to ‘self-soothe when distressed; a powerful sense of own entitlement; may be prepared to use blackmail in order to get what she wants; capable of planned and premeditated manipulation; discards friends without guilt when they are no longer of use to her.

Her moods deeply permeate the whole atmosphere of the house and everyone is expected to behave in accordance with these moods.

If others do not behave as she sees fit, she may use devaluation to shame them into compliance. She may use her child as a possession and accessory who exists only to serve her needs and whom she perpetually seeks to control to reflect as well as possible on her, irrespective of the child’s feelings (for whom she lacks emotional empathy).

For example, she may dress her children up as if they were objects or dolls, regardless of their preferences and feelings even when these are perfectly reasonable and understandable.

She is also likely to be highly intrusive where her children are concerned. For example, she may flirt with her daughter’s boyfriend or otherwise inappropriately encroach on their personal lives.


Mostly this type of borderline mother sees her children as her audience who must consistently respond to her in ways that bolster her (very fragile) self-esteem; she expects from them their unquestioning and unwavering love, support, attention, and admiration.

Her children can’t satisfy her insatiable emotional needs, conflict increases dramatically as they get older. Rebellion, deep confusion, and anger are likely responses from children who live with this kind of mother, but beneath this, the children long for approval, recognition, consistency, and unconditional love. In essence, however, the ‘queen’ mother’s own needs trump those of her children’s, as far as she is concerned.


  • This type of borderline mother is consumed by self-hatred (often on an unconscious level) and tends to be extremely hostile and cruel towards their children.
  • Because of their feelings of rage mixed with impotence, they have a propensity to be particularly brutal to those less powerful than they are (for example, younger).
  • They also tend to be self-obsessed and have little or no concern for others.
  • They are likely to respond particularly venomously to criticism or rejection
  • At the base of their need for power and control is their intense desire to prevent abandonment.
  • This particular sub-group of BPD is very resistant to treatment as those who suffer it tend not to allow others to help them.


A) the children of this type of mother are likely to find themselves as the target of random, intense, and cruel attacks

B) as with other forms of abuse, children who suffer verbal/emotional/psychological injury assume (completely incorrectly) that it is they who are at fault.

As a result of this profound misconception, they are likely to become depressed, subject to feelings of shame, insecure, hypervigilant (i.e. always on ‘red alert’ on the lookout for danger), and dissociative.

As adults, they may develop difficulties with forming and maintaining relationships. It is possible, too, that they will go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or suffer from BPD themselves, thus potentially perpetuating the cycle.


  • used by her to fulfill her own needs
  • that it was impossible to predict her emotions/behavior
  • worthless
  • unlovable
  • manipulated
  • always on ‘red alert’ in case we may inadvertently do or say something to anger her
  • alternately idealized and demonized by her
  • that we were her caretaker
  • used to provide her with emotional support
  • that she demands unconditional love, approval, and admiration from us, but seems unable to love us unconditionally
  • confused by her unpredictable behavior and treatment of us
  • controlled by fear (for example, of her rages if we do not comply with her wishes to the letter)
  • deeply hurt by her cruel teasing
  • that we are not permitted to show anger, regardless of how provoked, we may have been
  • overly confided in (as if we were a surrogate partner or parent rather than her child:SEE SECTION BELOW)
  • burdened by responsibilities we are too young to be expected to cope with that our feelings are belittled, undermined, dismissed as trivial, denied, and ignored
  • that we are supposed to achieve standards that are impossible to meet
  • deprived of displays of physical affection (for example, hugs)
  • as if we are continually receiving ‘mixed messages’ from her (this can lead to finding ourselves in an emotional ‘double bind’ which is very distressing.
  • as if we are a ‘bad’ person.
  • NB. A diagnosis of BPD needs to be left to a professional. Just because a mother makes us experience some of the feelings above does not mean she has BPD. Mothers with other conditions (for example, depression, anxiety, PTSD, alcohol addiction) may make us feel some of the things listed above, as, from time to time, may mothers with no psychiatric condition.

When BPD Mothers Treat Us Like Surrogate Partners.

After my parents’ divorce, my mother increasingly used me as her emotional caretaker, even referring to me, quite brazenly, as her ‘Little Psychiatrist’ (a role foisted upon me that I see now, with hindsight, I was all too willing to fulfill to the point of preoccupation and even obsession) until I was thirteen and our relationship broke down in such a way that I was forced to go and live with my father and his newly acquired wife.

Such a relationship with a BPD parent (in which the child essentially becomes the parent’s surrogate partner) is, in fact, by no means a rare phenomenon in dysfunctional families. It is referred to by some experts (originally Friel and Friel, 1988) in how family systems and dynamics operate as ‘covert incest and can occur between a mother and her son or between a father and his daughter. In my case, my mother used me to satisfy her psychological needs because my father had left the family home.

However, such ‘covertly incestuous relationships can also occur in which both parents are still living in the same household, but their marriage/relationship has broken down (this sad scenario is particularly likely to arise when one of the parents is an alcoholic).


It is essential to realize that when a parent manipulates the child into becoming, essentially, a surrogate partner, it is not only serving this parent’s needs. It also helps to free the other parent from this parent’s emotional demands. In this way, the other parent is complicit in what is being done to the child, and, through lack of intervention, enables its continuation.

Typically, the parent who is using the child as a surrogate partner will make that child his/her confidante and seek advice on subjects that the child is emotionally ill-equipped to provide such as marriage problems, loneliness, or relationship difficulties with new boyfriends or girlfriends.

Enmeshed Relationship:

First, I should point out that an enmeshed relationship, if it develops, is not restricted to mother-offspring but can develop between various combinations of members (whether female, male, borderline, or non-borderline) of any dysfunctional family or, indeed, between partners.

Essentially, an enmeshed relationship is said to exist when personal boundaries between two people are indistinct and porous, allowing the emotions of one person to ‘leak through’ (as if by osmosis) and powerfully affect the other person’s emotional experience.

For example, as a child, my own relationship with my mother was enmeshed – this meant that my own emotional state was powerfully dictated by hers; her emotional pain was my emotional pain, and, as I got older, I reciprocated her destructive emotions, too, of anger and aggression (a feature of relationships that have weak boundaries is that as one person’s emotions intensify, so, too, do the other’s).

Another hallmark of an ‘enmeshed relationship’ within a dysfunctional family is that family roles can become confused, especially in relation to age; specifically, family members adopt (mainly unconsciously) roles that are inconsistent with their chronological age. For example, the emotionally immature parent may ‘parentify’ their child (i.e. expect the child to take on a role, such as a parent’s emotional caretaker, with which s/he is not psychologically developed enough to cope – in essence, s/he is expected to become the parent’s parent. And, of course, the other side of this coin is that the parent may regress to a psychologically childlike state by demonstrating excessive dependence and neediness.

Perhaps the most famous depiction of an enmeshed relationship in fiction is that between Norman Bates and his mother in the film Psycho. Most people are familiar with Alfred Hitchco*ck’s classic film, but fewer may be aware that it was originally a novel (published in 1959) by Robert Bloch.

Of course, their enmeshed (and, possibly, incestuous, the novel implies) relationship is epitomized by the fact that Norman’s highly, psychologically abusive mother is almost identical to his own: Norma (viewing children, not as individuals in their own right but as possessions and as an extension of themselves is a hallmark feature of both narcissistic and borderline mothers).

In short, Norman eventually murders his malevolent and tormenting mother (by poisoning her with strychnine) because, ironically, he fears she is abandoning him to marry her fiance (whom, for good measure, he also murders by employing the same modus operandi). Following this double murder, Norman frequently dresses in his (now deceased) mother’s clothes and takes on her personality.

Borderline, narcissistic, and other types of emotionally disturbed mothers may form such an emotionally interwoven relationship with their son or daughter (sometimes referred to as ’emotional incest’) that the boundary between her identity and her offspring’s identity becomes nebulous and indistinct – whatever the mother feels, the son or daughter is expected to reflect back (e.g. if the mother is happy, her offspring must be happy and, if the mother is sad, her offspring must be sad).

Furthermore, the mother who has an enmeshed relationship with her offspring may instill guilt in him/her if s/he tries to behave independently in a way that excludes her.

She may, too, be highly controlling, dictating her offspring’s lifestyle and vetting their relationships with others, and demanding compliance.

In divorced households, these types of mothers may also manipulate the child into breaking off relations with his / her (now absent) father so as to have the child ‘all to herself’, making him/her all the easier to dominate, control, and, essentially, to ‘possess’. This phenomenon is known as ‘parental alienation (and also occurs when one parent, motivated by a need for revenge, tries to hurt the other (absent) patent by denying him/her any contact with the child (irrespective, often, of the psychological harm that such a course of action may do to the child, sadly).

If the child grows up into an adult who does not assert his / her right to introduce healthy boundaries into the relationship, s/he is likely to suffer a very weak sense of his / her own identity as an individual as to how s/he experiences his / her emotional life will continue to be dominated by his / her mother. Such individuals, without therapy, can go through life feeling deeply uncertain about who they actually are

Furthermore, they may have serious problems asserting themselves as well as a low tolerance for emotional pain (‘distress intolerance’). Paradoxically, although they are psychologically hurt by the dynamics of the enmeshed relationship, they will frequently find it very hard indeed to detach themselves from it without experiencing deep feelings of fear (Rosenberg)

Other problems they may experience include: lacking a sense of autonomy when it comes to how they feel (i.e. believing that how they feel is out of their control and is dictated by the emotional state of others); feeling ’empty’ as they are unable to take responsibility for their own emotions; neglecting their own needs while feeling overly responsible in relation to how others are feeling.

Once individuals are aware that they are in an unhealthy, enmeshed relationship that is spoiling their quality of life and they become willing to take steps to rectify the problem, they may find both family therapy and individual therapy to be useful for helping them set the healthy boundaries within the relationship which it had, up until then, lacked.

Repercussions For Adult Life:

Unfortunately, such ‘covertly incestuous relationships can seriously harm the child’s capacity, when he becomes an adult, to form healthy, intimate,

and sustainable relationships with others. Many therapists are of the view that such difficulties are likely to persist until the affected individual gains insight into how his/her dysfunctional childhood relationship with his/her opposite-sex parent has significantly contributed to these difficulties.

Note: ‘Covert incest is also sometimes referred to as ’emotional incest.’

4 Types Of Borderline Mother : Witch, Hermit, Waif And Queen. (2)



Friel DL & Friel JC (1988). Adult children: the secrets of dysfunctional families. Deerfield Beach, Fla: Health Communications. ISBN


. Masterson, J. Psychotherapy of the Borderline Adult: A Developmental Approach (Brunner / Mazel, 1976) ISBN 0-87630-127-8

Masterson, J.The Search for the Real Self: Unmasking the Personality Disorders of Our Age. (Collier Macmillan, 1988)ISBN0-02-920291-4 Masterson, J.The Real Self: A Developmental, Self and Object Relations Approach (Brunner / Mazel, 1985) ISBN0-87630-400-5

Rosenberg, R., Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love The People That Hurt Us. Published March 1st 2013 by Pesi, Inc ISBN 1936128314 (ISBN13: 97819

4 Types Of Borderline Mother : Witch, Hermit, Waif And Queen. (3)

4 Types Of Borderline Mother : Witch, Hermit, Waif And Queen. (2024)


What is a waif borderline? ›

The Waif: Waifs feel worthless and victimized. They can suffer from depression, anxiety, irrational fears, and feelings of vulnerability. Waifs feel helpless but reject attempts by family members to help them. In this way, they passively control others and are generally unable to nurture others.

What is a borderline witch? ›

They feel no remorse for nightmarish acts, showing more interest in their own well-being than concern over the way they've hurt others. The Witch's triggers include jealousy, criticism, betrayal, abandonment, feeling left out, and being ignored.

What is a borderline mother? ›

Mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may lack empathy, be controlling, and emotionally unpredictable. Being raised by a mother with BPD can affect many areas of your life. By learning how to assert yourself, set boundaries, and practice self-care, you can heal and move forward.

What are the 4 BPD subtypes? ›

Summary. The four types of BPD include impulsive, discouraged, self-destructive, and petulant. Each highlights a different aspect of BPD.

What is a waif psychology? ›

Christine Lawson, describes four subtypes of mothers with BPD: the Waif (helpless), the Hermit (fearful/avoidant), the Queen (controlling) and the Witch (sad*stic).

How do you survive a borderline mother? ›

Set and reinforce boundaries with your borderline parent. Keep a journal to write your thoughts and feelings, especially after an upsetting interaction. Be aware of triggers (both yours and your parent's) and do your best to avoid them. Take time for yourself and see people who aren't your BPD parent.

What is quiet BPD? ›

Quiet BPD is an unofficial term for when you engage with symptoms inwardly, instead of outwardly. Share on Pinterest Sarah Mason/Getty Images. Having quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) — aka “high-functioning” BPD — means that you often direct thoughts and feelings inward rather than outward.

Can someone with BPD be a good parent? ›

People with borderline personality disorder can be very effective and nurturing parents, but because the symptoms of BPD can be very intense, for many people this does take some work.

Can someone with BPD love? ›

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) isn't a personal choice. It's a mental health condition, and it can be managed. Can a person with borderline personality disorder feel love? Absolutely!

How borderline parents affect children? ›

Children of mothers with BPD are also at heightened risk for exhibiting attention difficulties, aggressive behavior, and low self-esteem, in addition to major depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder itself.

Are borderlines immature? ›

A person with BPD may appear to be emotionally immature because they often expect others to put their needs first. They're frequently emotionally dependent on others and may appear to be trying to manipulate others to give them their way by inappropriate emotional reactions or acting out.

How do I know what type of BPD I have? ›

There is no definitive test to diagnose borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is diagnosed through a clinical interview with a licensed mental health professional, explains Simon A.

Are borderlines psychopaths? ›

BPD features are highly represented in subjects with psychopathy as well as psychopathic traits are highly prevalent in patients with BPD.

Can you have multiple BPD subtypes? ›

Getting Help

Borderline personality disorder is a complex disorder with many layers and facets to it. There are many different subtypes, and no case is the same. BPD also often overlaps with other disorders like substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and depression to name a few.

How many BPD combinations are there? ›

A diagnosis requires the presence of any five symptoms, which allows for 256 combinations by which an individual could receive a BPD diagnosis.

Who is attracted to borderline personality? ›

Borderline/dependent: A person with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is well-matched with a person who has a dependent personality disorder (DPD). The BPD has an intense fear of abandonment which is a good match for the DPD who will not leave even a dysfunctional relationship.

How does a borderline mother act? ›

Mothers with BPD may oscillate between over-involved, intrusive behaviors and withdrawn, avoidant behaviors. These behaviors may also manifest as oscillations between hostile control and coldness.

Are BPD sad*stic? ›

There may well be some individuals with BPD who are genuinely manipulative or sad*stic. These habits now would suggest to me co-morbid diagnoses, that is, a combination of borderline personality emotional hyper-reactivity with narcissistic (ignoring others' feelings and concerns) and/or psychopathic (conning) patterns.

How do you terminate a borderline client? ›

To terminate the relationship:
  1. Explain to the client that your job is to ensure they get excellent care and that you do not feel you can meet their needs.
  2. Give the client space to process their feelings. ...
  3. Offer a referral to a therapist who might be a better fit.
Aug 7, 2019

What it's like to have a parent with borderline personality disorder? ›

Having one or more parents with borderline personality disorder can result in a chaotic, confusing, and even abusive childhood. Many children grow up having mixed feelings towards their parents, and may also struggle with relationships and self-esteem in their adult lives.

Is BPD my fault? ›

For most people with BPD, symptoms begin during their teenage years or as a young adult, then improve during adult life. BPD is a condition of the brain and mind. If someone has BPD, it is not their fault and they did not cause it.

How do you protect yourself from borderline personality disorder? ›

Do your best to stay calm, even when the person with BPD is acting out. Avoid getting defensive in the face of accusations and criticisms, no matter how unfair you feel they are. Defending yourself will only make your loved one angrier. Walk away if you need to give yourself time and space to cool down.

How can you tell if a female has BPD? ›

There are a handful of medically recognized symptoms of borderline personality disorder.
  1. Instability in Relationships. ...
  2. Extreme Emotional Swings. ...
  3. Explosive Feelings of Anger. ...
  4. Self-Harm. ...
  5. Lingering Feelings of Emptiness or Worthlessness. ...
  6. Feeling Out of Touch With Reality.
Feb 21, 2022

Does BPD affect intelligence? ›

The BPD group had significantly lower Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores on the WAIS-R. The BPD group also was impaired significantly on motor skills, figural memory, complex visuomotor integration, social or interpersonal intelligence, and on a measure of susceptibility to interference.

Is BPD bipolar? ›

Borderline personality and bipolar: These two disorders are often confused. They both have symptoms of impulsiveness and mood swings. But they are different disorders and have different treatments.

Can you be born with BPD? ›

Genetic factors and negative environmental influences from childhood are the primary causes of BPD, and it is highly unlikely that a person will develop borderline personality disorder if one or the other of these factors is lacking.

Can a marriage survive borderline personality disorder? ›

By an average age of about 40, the divorce rate for people with BPD is around 35%, and this is comparable to the divorce rate for the average U.S. citizen. However, people with BPD are far less likely to remarry after a divorce.

What happens when someone with BPD loses their favorite person? ›

Understanding the BPD Relationship Cycle

Unfortunately, because people with BPD have an insecure sense of self, fragments in the relationship feel extremely threatening. If their favorite person disappoints them, it can feel devastating. They may react with rage, threats, or complete withdrawal.

Can borderlines have friends? ›

People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often have a difficult time maintaining friendships because of their tumultuous personalities. But these friendships can offer a source of stability in the midst of emotional turmoil.

How long do BPD relationships last? ›

Results found in a 2014 study found the average length of a BPD relationship between those who either married or living together as partners was 7.3 years. However, there are cases where couples can stay together for 20+ years.

Are borderlines schizophrenic? ›

Although borderline personality disorder (BPD) and schizophrenia (SZ) are notably different mental disorders, they share problems in social cognition—or understanding the feelings, intentions and thoughts of other people.

Is hypersexuality a symptom of BPD? ›

As a symptom

Some people with borderline personality disorder (sometimes referred to as BPD) can be markedly impulsive, seductive, and extremely sexual. Sexual promiscuity, sexual obsessions, and hypersexuality are very common symptoms for both men and women with BPD.

What does a BPD breakdown look like? ›

difficulty trusting others. irrationally fearing others' intentions. quickly cutting off communication with someone they think might end up abandoning them. rapidly changing feelings about a person, from intense closeness and love (idealization) to intense dislike and anger (devaluation)

Are BPD and bipolar similar? ›

Like borderline personality disorder, sufferers experience extreme shifts in mood but between depressed states and episodes of mania, the bipolar patient may experience periods of stable mood.

What does splitting mean in BPD? ›

What is Splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? 'Splitting' is common symptom for people with mental health issues like borderline personality disorder (BPD). Splitting means to divide something. It causes a person to view everything and everyone in black and white, 'absolute' terms.

Can BPD develop into schizophrenia? ›

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most frequently used clinical diagnoses in both US and Europe. According to DSM-5 [1], the prevalence of BPD among inpatients is 20% and thus approaching the level of schizophrenia [2].

Why do narcissists attract borderlines? ›

The reason why these personality types are attracted to one another is they magnetise. Each one helps the other play out their individual drama by fulfilling their needs. In the case of the borderline sufferer, when they first encounter the narcissist, they see everything they are not and cannot do.

Can BPD lead to dementia? ›

Conclusions: Definitely, the patients with medical record of the borderline or narcissistic personality disorder present more alterations in the brain structures mentioned, such that presenting these types of personality disorders could increase the risk of developing dementia in the future.

What happens when you break up with a borderline? ›

They may get severely depressed or lash out if they know you are breaking up with them. Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder may also engage in self-harm and other destructive behaviors.

What is severe BPD like? ›

Wide mood swings lasting from a few hours to a few days, which can include intense happiness, irritability, shame or anxiety. Ongoing feelings of emptiness. Inappropriate, intense anger, such as frequently losing your temper, being sarcastic or bitter, or having physical fights.

What is quiet BPD? ›

Quiet BPD is an unofficial term for when you engage with symptoms inwardly, instead of outwardly. Share on Pinterest Sarah Mason/Getty Images. Having quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) — aka “high-functioning” BPD — means that you often direct thoughts and feelings inward rather than outward.

Can someone with BPD be a good parent? ›

People with borderline personality disorder can be very effective and nurturing parents, but because the symptoms of BPD can be very intense, for many people this does take some work.

Who is attracted to borderline personality? ›

Borderline/dependent: A person with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is well-matched with a person who has a dependent personality disorder (DPD). The BPD has an intense fear of abandonment which is a good match for the DPD who will not leave even a dysfunctional relationship.

How do you tell if a borderline loves you? ›

Loving Someone With BPD — Can They Love You Back?
  1. The person quickly feeling smothered.
  2. Sudden withdrawal.
  3. Fear of intimacy.
  4. Frequent lying.
  5. Impulsive and aggressive sexuality.
  6. Public outbursts and arguments.
Oct 26, 2020

Do borderlines regret the loss of a quality partner? ›

When they break up, they often forget the positive things about their partner, until the partner has gone. Relationships fall apart as splitting causes the borderline to say things in the heat of the moment and regret saying them afterward. Often, the feelings are disproportionate to the actual situation.

Are borderlines psychopaths? ›

BPD features are highly represented in subjects with psychopathy as well as psychopathic traits are highly prevalent in patients with BPD.

Is BPD bipolar? ›

Borderline personality and bipolar: These two disorders are often confused. They both have symptoms of impulsiveness and mood swings. But they are different disorders and have different treatments.

Can you have all four types of BPD? ›

According to Theodore Millon, an expert on personality disorders, BPD can be divided into four types: discouraged, impulsive, petulant, and self-destructive. People with different types of BPD may vary in the severity of certain symptoms.

How do borderlines think? ›

People with BPD also have a tendency to think in extremes, a phenomenon called "dichotomous" or “black-or-white” thinking. 2 People with BPD often struggle to see the complexity in people and situations and are unable to recognize that things are often not either perfect or horrible, but are something in between.

Do people with BPD have empathy? ›

People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are emotionally fragile, impulsive, suffer from low mood, have intense unstable personal relationships and – according to a handful of studies – they also have enhanced empathy.

How can you tell if a female has BPD? ›

There are a handful of medically recognized symptoms of borderline personality disorder.
  1. Instability in Relationships. ...
  2. Extreme Emotional Swings. ...
  3. Explosive Feelings of Anger. ...
  4. Self-Harm. ...
  5. Lingering Feelings of Emptiness or Worthlessness. ...
  6. Feeling Out of Touch With Reality.
Feb 21, 2022

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Article information

Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Views: 6550

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.